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love vs attachment


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okay, this is a silly question, but lemme ask ne-way .......


is there any way to tell ... when u miss someone, - is it because u'r attached to them & used to spending lots of time with them, or because u love them ...


i ask b/c i really miss my ex ... but i dont know why ... i understand rationally that we're aren't very compatible ... i also kind of want to try other people, but then all the clubby-pick-up stuff is only fun for a couple hours, then i feel like this is all so low and yucky, and i feel like i want my ex ... but when i was with him, i would lack the club-craziness & excitement ......... i want both the youth and the calm, stable loving rel-ship that he could give me ... ! i don't know what to do ...


i'm afraid that as time goes on, it'll be harder to get back together with him, if it's even possible now ...



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It takes a lot more than love to make a relationship. If you aren't compatible, the most important ingredient is missing so just forget about getting back together.


When someone is removed from our lives, it leaves a little empty place and we miss that. It could be a person...it could even be a poisonous rattlesnake. Whatever is taken away is missed in some sense.


Many losses are absolutely necessary for our growth. If a relationship is not positive and productive, we need to terminate it no matter how painful it may be and no matter how much we may love or miss that person.


When you find the right person for yourself, you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt and you won't want to be away from that person...you will not doubt your love...and there will be compatibility and all those other things you value in a relationship.


Sometimes we prefer to remain with the familiar because we are just too lazy to begin again from square one in looking for the RIGHT person.

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