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hmm...rough day i don't understand

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i was in an abusive marriage for nine years. i left and never thought twice about it, i know it was the right thing to do.


but today is the day of our anniversary, or what would have been had we not gotten divorced in december.


i'm sad today...can somebody explain to me why this is?? i just don't understand it...

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You're mourning the dreams and hopes of what you wanted marriage to be, not what it really was. The anniversary simply brought up these wishes. A lot of times when I find myself sad and loney and missing my exh, it's because I'm still mourning over the dreams I wanted my marriage to be like.

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Anniversaries can carry a lot of weight and meaning for people, especially when tied to negative events. I recently had an anniversary of a trauma and I was all over the place.


Make sure to take extra special care of yourself today. Watch some cheesy movie you love (I usually like little girl movies, on my anniversary of my rape I watched A little Princess and Secret Garden), get a massage...do something that will take your focus away from the memories, and on the positive turn your life has taken.


I will say a prayer for you, and I hope you feel better!!!!!!

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Anniversaries can carry a lot of weight and meaning for people, especially when tied to negative events. I recently had an anniversary of a trauma and I was all over the place.


i knew this day was coming, in my head cuz of expiration dates on milk and other reminders and it didn't really bother me. and i think i was trying to repress this day, somehow. but when i thought about it a little bit ago, i cried. and that is so not like me. i was like WTF?? mad at my own stupid weakness.


I will say a prayer for you, and I hope you feel better!!!!!!


thank you...i already do :bunny:

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I find myself sad and loney and missing my exh


oh crap, i don't miss him. not at all (well, okay, maybe his ability to pay the bills) but that's why it was so weird to me. i couldn't understand it at all. i guess next year this day will be easier?

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