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10 Questions you have also wanted to ask the opposite sex.

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I have an assignment I desperately need help on. It's an Interpersonal Communication class and I'm supposed to come up with a list of 10 questions about the opposite sex. (Men for me, but feel free to expound on questions for the women)


My minds not in the right place I guess.. I'm not coming up with anything except "What the f***?" I don't think that'd count as 10 questions. :o


It's just something we have to do in class, we don't get graded on it or anything. But we do have to participate in some way. So any input would be greatly appreciated.


So, what are 10 questions you would like to ask the opposite sex?

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whats wrong with me

I would like to know (truthfully) how often the average male cries. or if he doesn't cry how many times does he feel like crying and what are the reasons that would lead him to cry or make him feel like crying.

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1)Tell me exactly what it feels like to receive a blow job.

2)Tell me exaclty what it feels like to have a woman make love to you and you have that orgasm. (I'd love to experience a male orgasm!)


OOPS. That isn't what you're looking for...


I gotta sit and think about afew questions now. No s***! LOL!

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1)Tell me exactly what it feels like to receive a blow job.

2)Tell me exaclty what it feels like to have a woman make love to you and you have that orgasm. (I'd love to experience a male orgasm!)



See.. This is exactly the stuff I want to ask! I bet all the women of the class would love to know this stuff.... But that wouldn't be p.c.

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To a man:


How can you stay focused on what you are working on without other thoughts creeping into your mind?


How can you just have sex with a woman and not feel guilty for using her?


'I agree with WWWM'- But put it in these words:'

How can a man not show his feelings when he is hurting?

How can he hold them in and not express them by facial expressions, tears, tight mouth, jaw clenched?


If you have feelings for someone why is it so hard to express them verbally?


Why do men think they have to be rude or do something gross in public to look cool? (when you don't look cool at all)


Why do men feel the need to outdo another man to be bigger, better or stronger?

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1)Tell me exactly what it feels like to receive a blow job.

2)Tell me exaclty what it feels like to have a woman make love to you and you have that orgasm. (I'd love to experience a male orgasm!)


LOL Me too!


I also want to know;


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1)Tell me exactly what it feels like to receive a blow job.

2)Tell me exaclty what it feels like to have a woman make love to you and you have that orgasm. (I'd love to experience a male orgasm!)


OOPS. That isn't what you're looking for...


I gotta sit and think about afew questions now. No s***! LOL!


Wow I would love to know that too. Maybe if you post in the sex section some guys will describe it.


I plan on asking my so this. He did try to describe what an orgasm felt like and I loved hearing what he said.

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Anyone else have any suggestions on what to ask the opposite sex...







Way they look at the world.

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I thought it was a stupid azz assignment myself. Guess the reply ratio kind of supports this idea.

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Walk...as you wish, (Smile)...



Questions for Men Regarding Women


1. What's the greatest fear you have concerning women?


2. Have you ever had a serious romantic relationship? And if so, at what age did it first occur. (Exclude 'puppy love' i.e. middle school stuff) How long did it last?


3. What is most important thing to you in a romantic relationship with a woman?


4. Are you the one who usually breaks first from a relationship, -or is it usually her?


5. What are your weakest areas in any romantic relationship?


6. What are your strongest departments in a romantic relationship?


7. At this point in your life, would you/are you seriously consider(ing) a long-term 'settled' commitment, or are you more focused on just having fun than having a committed relationship? And add your current age, or age range, if you feel comfortable doing so.


8. How has your ideal of the 'perfect' woman/relationship changed since your last significant romance?


9. What is your idea of a 'committed relationship'?


10. On any given day, approximately, how many times do you think of the opposite sex in a romantic or sexual way?


Bonus Question:

11. Do you believe in true romantic love, or is it just a silly notion to you?



Walk, I hope these inspire, at least, some thought about where you might begin with your project.



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Well then, screw P.C!! Seriously. Figure out a way of wording it so it isn't offensive or too "in your face" sexual.

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1) 'How old we're you when you had your first kiss?'

2) 'Whats the first thing you look for in a guy?'

3) 'Why do most women do that swishy hair thing?'

4) 'Why do women like to be chased?'

5) 'Have you ever asked a guy for his number?'


All I can think of atm. Although it is 3:30am, thats probably why....

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1)Tell me exactly what it feels like to receive a blow job.


Feels warm, wet, love the tongue action. The combination of sucking and licking makes me enjoy it and think of other things to make it last longer.


When she bites, it can create a high to want to f**k her face or take her and put it in her.


2)Tell me exaclty what it feels like to have a woman make love to you and you have that orgasm. (I'd love to experience a male orgasm!)


Love the feel of a woman wrapped around me. Inside her and squeezing me while inside her. The orgasm, Release of stress, thinging thru the body, sometimes I want to pee and release it only to find out it was a very large orgasm. After that I want to kiss her.

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Bonus Question:

11. Do you believe in true romantic love, or is it just a silly notion to you?


I remember asking a similar question for a Vox Pops segment i did. Our question was 'Is Romance dead?' It was meant to be silly, it was hard getting people to answer, but once they got going we got some great answers.

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Feels warm, wet, love the tongue action. The combination of sucking and licking makes me enjoy it and think of other things to make it last longer.


When she bites, it can create a high to want to f**k her face or take her and put it in her.




Love the feel of a woman wrapped around me. Inside her and squeezing me while inside her. The orgasm, Release of stress, thinging thru the body, sometimes I want to pee and release it only to find out it was a very large orgasm. After that I want to kiss her.


I wasn't expecting anybody to actually answer ... But thanks! That was hot, too!

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well for me this will be my q:

1. why women easily swings mood....

2. why men are polygamous....

3. why men specially married one always have other affair cant they stick to one...and vice versa


i have to think more.....as of now those are my questions.....

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8. How has your ideal of the 'perfect' woman/relationship changed since your last significant romance?


excellent question, rio – I'd love to hear answers from a good–sized group of men, see how maturation comes into play.


some questions for guys:


* are looks what you really want from a woman? At what point does her personality become important?


* marriage: based on talks you've had with other men, what is the true general consensus about marriage. Is it something you eventually do, is it something to desperately avoid, is it actually okay?


* does the differences between men and women typically bug you? Like, how a woman can strike up a conversation with a total stranger and enjoy it, while men are content to just be, even when other guys are in the room?


* does it really bug y'all when girls chatter seemingly non-stop on roadtrips, because you know the question "What are thinking?" comes up?


* what ARE you thinking when you're with a woman, but not holding a conversation?


* if you're not an affectionate person, does it surprise you when you meet a girl who helps you to open up that way?

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1) What are some of a test women give to their persepectives?


2) What are some of women's insecurities?


3) Would you do something that was never done with an ex for someone new?


4) Sex vs. love; how do you define it?


5) Sex first or love first?


6) Once a woman has sex and makes a intimate connection; how hard is it to break? (I think it is hard)


7) Oops, I'm pregnant, what is going on in your head?

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Questions I'd like to pose to women:


1. Why is it that when a man starts to express his feelings on a consistent basis, he is seen as less manly, and thus, less attractive?


2. Why can't women ever approach a man and ask him out?

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Hi Amerikajin! If I may answer your questions for some women...


Questions I'd like to pose to women:


1. Why is it that when a man starts to express his feelings on a consistent basis, he is seen as less manly, and thus, less attractive?


I can stand a man with feelings for, perhaps, 10 minutes. After that, he will appear like a wuss to me, and I will become extremely annoyed. :D

If a woman gets emotional, it probably will not provoke the same feelings of disgust. The thing is, some women are not comfortable being with emotional men. I think it has to do with how we were brought up, and witnessed how our brothers were forbidden from whining or crying.



2. Why can't women ever approach a man and ask him out?


I am usually the one to ask the guy out!! Men always seem intimidated by me.:o


My questions for the men are:

1. Why are men intimidated by smart and beautiful women?

2. Why do men like eating p***y and love doing so for such a long time (30 minutes plus)? Why aren't you bored with it after 10 minutes?:laugh:

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1. what makes you want to approach a woman romantically (i.e., to strike a conversation you hope will end in a date?)

2. In what circumstances will you actually do it?

3. What iare the qualities in a woman you are attracted to that makes you want to develop the relationship into something that lasts?

4. How do most women you meet compare to you current "ideal" woman?

5. Which do you like better, a woman you are attracted to who tells you what she feels emotionally or a woman you are attracted to who doesn't share her feelings that much? why?

6.older or younger women than you? Why?

7. how do you try to meet women?

8. how long, usually, after you start seeing a woman do you start thinking about whether the relationship will last?

9. what ARE you thinking about? (LOL)

10. missionary or her on top? why?

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:cool: 1) 'How old we're you when you had your first kiss?' 13

2) 'Whats the first thing you look for in a guy?'Broad Chest, Strong

3) 'Why do most women do that swishy hair thing?'So you will look

4) 'Why do women like to be chased?'So we know you want us

5) 'Have you ever asked a guy for his number?'Lots of times

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1. What does it feel like to have testicles swinging between your legs ?

2. How many times a day do you play with yourself ? ( for real )

3. If you could have only one : Hot Blonde , Hot Redhead , Hot Brunette ?

4. Will you ever seriously consider cleaning the toilet ?

5. What is the hottest thing a woman can do ?

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2. Why do men like eating p***y and love doing so for such a long time (30 minutes plus)? Why aren't you bored with it after 10 minutes? Because she loves it so much. Its not about what it looks like or tastes like ( well hopefully it tastes good ) but its more about how much he is turning her on and a GOOD lover will go down there and STAY down there bringing her to multiple orgasms....Oh thank GOd @!

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