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Guys! Am I a nag or is he lucky?

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Chump64 You mentioned public school, H and I decided before our kids were even old enough for school that they would be homeschooled. Most likely until they graduate. We have a program that will soon teach them to self teach but my oldest isnt old enough for self teaching yet but soon he will be. H is the one that was actually for homeschooling the most. I was too but never really thought much about it but once he wanted me to, we decided then that we would homeschool all of them. I dont feel worked enough in the day, I couldnt imagine them gone!! lol And not to mention only 1 is old enough for PS anyway so I'd still have 3 at home. My oldest is also a typical boy, doesnt want to sit still etc and I'm not about to have them tell me he has to be medicated to sit and daze at the teacher. We are able to do school every day without medication, I just have to keep it very interesting for him or he's bored to death. So PS really arent much of an option anyway. I plan to teach once my youngest is either out of the house or I feel old enough and mature enough to get his work done on his own. Right now I feel that I will not work until the youngest has graduated. We've even talking about opening up a private school for other homeschoolers then I would be able to teach and homeschool the kids but honestly money isnt an issue at all right now so I'm just working on schooling the kids.


Thank you for the "cheesy advice" LOL It is the #1 thing I need to work on!! I am actually very open and all that when it comes to trying new things, I've even gone into adult shops and purchased stuff but sometimes it seems our Sex life is only good when we are out by ourselves going to adult shops LOL We sometimes watch stuff together or whatever but right now it's been hard with 1.) the kids in our bed LOL and 2.) the kids just recently dropped our TV in our room. So that kinda sucks but I need to remember we dont NEED that to have a good SL! He is ready any time, I am not, I'm fine with whatever he wants to do but getting me to that point takes a lot, after dealing with kids it's hard to go from mommy mode to wife mode and I am trying hard to work on that.


I really need to start the laundry thing or something!! Its not so much that I am so overwhelmed that he HAS to help, honestly I could do it all on my own (I think? LOL) But it would be nice for him to help out once in a while, even if its dishes on Saturday so I can have a break or whatever, it would be nice! He's really a great guy too so I hate to make him sound horrible, he'll do just about anything I ask, only problem is, I get tired of asking like so many other women do. He grew up without his mother, just his father and 3 brothers so sometimes I think he needs me to kinda mother him in a loving, non-nagging way.


All the advice has helped a lot! Thank you all, I now know what things I need to work on!



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