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I have been divorced for 2 yrs. I have joint coustody and joint placement of my 2 young children. Communecation is critical in this type of child care. About 8 months ago I started a relationship with a gal that some would say drinks a little to much. When my ex-wife found out I was seeing this person she called me up and told me of her displeasure. When I told her it was no business of her`s to whom I was seeing our communecation between us about the kids had gotten very bad. She then threaten to take me back to court to attempt to take full coustody based on the fact our communecation had faltered. I shortly thereafter broke up with this woman not because of my ex`s threats but because I saw no future with this woman.


Now last Thursday I once again got involved with a gal with this type of personality. My ex does`nt know of this woman yet.


My question is Does my ex-wife have any right interfering with my personal life?

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Your ex wife and the mother of your children has a right to get involved in your personal life where it affects the happiness, psychological wellbeing, and welfare of the children you share custody of.


In my opinion, a man who likes to associate with drunken women would be questionable as a capable father. Having a drunken woman at your home in the presence of the children, or even the possibility of that happening, would not be acceptable.


If I were a judge, I would grant full custody of the children to your wife on the basis of your selection of drunken women.


If you really love your children, you will freely take them over to your ex wife's home and leave them there until your choice of women evolves into the type that are healthy for children to be around.

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As the mother of your children...absolutely!


As a parent, you need to be cautious of those you bring into your life and into your childrens' life. If you choose the RIGHT women, your wife will have nothing to complain about; or at least no grounds to stand on.


Be careful...and *responsible*!

I have been divorced for 2 yrs. I have joint coustody and joint placement of my 2 young children. Communecation is critical in this type of child care. About 8 months ago I started a relationship with a gal that some would say drinks a little to much. When my ex-wife found out I was seeing this person she called me up and told me of her displeasure. When I told her it was no business of her`s to whom I was seeing our communecation between us about the kids had gotten very bad. She then threaten to take me back to court to attempt to take full coustody based on the fact our communecation had faltered. I shortly thereafter broke up with this woman not because of my ex`s threats but because I saw no future with this woman. Now last Thursday I once again got involved with a gal with this type of personality. My ex does`nt know of this woman yet. My question is Does my ex-wife have any right interfering with my personal life?
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