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Do we still have a chance??


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We dated for 3 mths for but I ended it because i found out that i am the "third person" . he said he was in the middle of breaking up with her but I was determined to end the relationship and i even said we can't be friends anymore. I did the right thing, right? but how come i am still still sooooooooo much pain after all these months?


Throughout all this time, he had remain in contact with me via email and icq but nothing more. Many time i just wanted to call him up to say I miss him but I had managed to control myself. I know that he still with his gf and he made no more attempts to win me back.


I know i shouldn't get involved again but i can't stop thinking about him

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Sometimes it's just very difficult to forget. We think about what might have been. But the reality of it is that he lied to you, he deceived you. He was dishonest in seeing another person and not telling you. The reality is that you cannot have a healthy relationship with someone who is dishonest. It just won't work.


Realize that this situation was something that was never meant to happen. I know it's hard but in time it will sink into your head and you will move on. There is simply no way you can be in love with a liar.


You did the absolutely correct thing by breaking up with him and getting far, far away. Do not make any attempts whatsoever to contact him, unless you really want to screw up your life.

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