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Girlfriend Cheated

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Hey, been with my girlfriend for nearly 2 years now and its been great we hardley argue which is rare considering we spend everyday 2getha.

We was one of those couples who spent most there time 2getha and no spending time with friends.

We decided that we should spend time with friends and after going out the last couple of weeks i noticed she been a lil suspious. After stumbling across a txt msg from another guy on her fone i questioned her to which i found out (after her lies stopped) that she met sum1 flirted and told him that she liked him but cudnt do anythin cuz she was wiv me which was fair enough, obviously we argued and i gave her the option to end it cuz she didnt no wot she wanted, but she didnt, every now and then a txt wud pop up from him but u cud see that they were lies. anyway the good bit last nite she admitted that she had kissed this same guy a few days ago saying that she was drunk, and also saying that she thought she was missing out on being single she said it was the biggest mistake she's made but obviously it crushed me having been cheated on in the past it is something i am totally against.


i love her to bits she is my life we've got a hol book in june but i really dont no wot 2do. its one thing kissing a random guy but she's admitted she liked him weeks ago which makes it worse and i keep thinking 2myself will i be able to trust her again.

if someone who has experience the same kind of thing give some advice it would be very helpful,i know only i can make the desision but just wanna see if ppl who has experienced this gone on to have a great relationship.

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Ok well you probably dont want to hear this, but most likely it wont work out again, if she claims she loves you so much, then did that crap, then it will happen again as it did to me however i know that i dont think i would have believed that either, because i loved the girl i was with, but you need to get out before there is too much dmg done... ok man well good luck... ! make the right decision it will either make or break ya

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she met sum1 flirted and told him that she liked him but cudnt do anythin cuz she was wiv me which was fair enough,


"Fair enough"? Your woman told another man the only reason she still had clothes on was because she was [stuck] with you?


The only reason things didn't go further with this guy was because he backed down -- if he'd pressed the point she WOULD HAVE given it up.


When a girl says this to another guy, the relationship is doomed.


Walk now -- every minute you stay in this relationship she believes you are giving your consent to her cheating on you

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anyway the good bit last nite she admitted that she had kissed this same guy a few days ago saying that she was drunk, and also saying that she thought she was missing out on being single she said it was the biggest mistake she's made but obviously it crushed me having been cheated on in the past it is something i am totally against.


There it is again! Oh, she was drunk. OK. No big deal then. I'm in a committed relationship myself but I engage in the occasional drunken threesome with two pornstars. My girlfriend gets really pissed everytime until I mention I was drunk at which point she kisses me and says, "Oh, I'm sorry baby. I didn't realize you were drunk. Then it's really not your fault. Did you outlast them like you said you could? You're such a stud."


I'll be the first to give you the news. Your "girlfriend" isn't into you anymore. What more of a sign do you need than her telling you that not being single is the biggest mistake she's made? That's like me telling my blonde girlfriend that I really love brunettes and in fact I can't see myself ever being in a serious relationship unless the girl's a hot brunette.



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Sal Paradise

Drop her. She will continue to cheat and use you. She doesn't love you.

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I wish I could tell you something different than what everyone else has said, but I can't. While I don't necessarily consider a kiss cheating, it is a sign of a deeper issue. If you stay with her, 6 months from now, it will be, "I was drunk, I didn't mean to sleep with him!". If someone is truly remorseful for straying, then they should kiss your arse and shower you with love, attention, affection, and sensitivity....

this is a time when you should read between the lines, and when someone says it's a big mistake not being single, that should speak louder than when someone utters the words "I'm so sorry, it won't happen again."

Like mad dog told me--- cheater = next...end of story.

Life's too short- spend it wisely.

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I wouldn't be able to get over the fact that she lied to you at first about it. I would get out now, because you are in for a lot of pain and misery if you stay with this girl. She is TOTALLY disprespecting you right now you deserve better than that.

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There it is again! Oh, she was drunk. OK. No big deal then. I'm in a committed relationship myself but I engage in the occasional drunken threesome with two pornstars. My girlfriend gets really pissed everytime until I mention I was drunk at which point she kisses me and says, "Oh, I'm sorry baby. I didn't realize you were drunk. Then it's really not your fault. Did you outlast them like you said you could? You're such a stud."





You are good!! I do believe that you would make a great therapist/counselor.



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