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Would you date someone your animal didn't like?

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Snatching this topic from another thread.


I don't think I would date a man or maybe even be friends with a person my animals could never warm up to and disdained. I haven't had this problem yet, but I would think of it as a sign of some kind. When I'm driving along with my dogs and they bark angrily at some random person in a car or on the street, I always think to myself that they are probably animal abusers or just jerks in general. Maybe I just haven't put together that they are all wearing some bright color though. ;)


If everytime they came over my dog wigged out, I don't think I would trust them.

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LMAO..... with 40 plus animals I think that one of them would not like a particular person.


Yankee Bob keeps trying to kick the shyt out of my H. but Bob does this to people he thinks are just "visiting". I cannot help but to laugh at it.


His dog would piss on this one friends items, purse, coats, shoes when she was around ......... guess the dog did not like her too much... but again either do I :lmao:

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I've broken up with guys who did not get along with my dogs before. I tell this to anyone I date, and one guy secretly brought over bacon in his pocket to seduce them. :lmao: It didn't work out as planned, as my pit mix pushed him over and ate the bacon out of his pocket.


Who carries bacon in their pocket anyways?

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My folks have a cat, and my uncle would love to aggrivate the tar out of that cat. He was mean to it, spin it around, chase it, pulll its tail etc, like he was a child or something. Or maybe even a bully. That cat ended up being mean as hell. Not becasue of my folks but becasue my uncle would act like an a$$ towards the cat. Whenever we would have family get togethers, if my uncle was there, the cat would back into a corner, or hiss at him, or sometimes would run and hide and not come out at all. My mother finally got to the point to where when he would come over, she put the cat up, so he wouldn't bother it. Pets can be like kids or people in general, if you're mean to them or treat them a certain way, they are sure to react to it.







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I'm a cat person, not a dog person...But, if I really loved a guy I guess I could learn to deal with the "dog smell." I just can't stand that smell - Doesn't matter how many times you give a dog a bath, they still stink! (Sorry 933!)


Though, I'm lucky, hubby is a cat person so I'm safe!

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kitten chick

My cats are not good detectors of arseholes. They loved all of my craphead boyfriends and one is terrified of my dad who is the best person ever. She warms up to him though when he lays down on the floor. :love:

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I've dated a few who had cats. Their cats didn't know what to think of me, they didn't run and one came up to me to sniff and let me pet her.


Ex was surprised why her own cat that gets upset at others would come to me without calling. Maybe I smelled like dog or another cat?


another ex's cat would just stare at me and meow but wouldn't run or get catty, but would let me pet him.


Dogs with floppy ears are so cool.

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yes....lets all base our dating decisions upon creatures who lick their ball, eat their own feces, sleep 20 hrs per day and cough up hair-balls...:laugh::p:lmao:

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yes....lets all base our dating decisions upon creatures who lick their ball, eat their own feces, sleep 20 hrs per day and cough up hair-balls...:laugh::p:lmao:



Well Alpha basing it on men as you stated above............


oh you were not talking about men......... damn sorry! :lmao: :lmao:

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yes....lets all base our dating decisions upon creatures who lick their ball, eat their own feces, sleep 20 hrs per day and cough up hair-balls...:laugh::p:lmao:



:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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Well Alpha basing it on men as you stated above............


oh you were not talking about men......... damn sorry! :lmao: :lmao:


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yes....lets all base our dating decisions upon creatures who lick their ball, eat their own feces, sleep 20 hrs per day and cough up hair-balls...:laugh::p:lmao:

My dogs do none of those things! They don't have balls for one, and prefer the delicacy of horse poo to their own.


I expect my dogs to guard my house so I will listen when they are tense about people. They just know! I know it.

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I expect my dogs to guard my house so I will listen when they are tense about people. They just know! I know it.

whats that psychological phenomena where humans project their own human qualities (emotions, intelligence, etc...) upon their pets???

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whats that psychological phenomena where humans project their own human qualities (emotions, intelligence, etc...) upon their pets???



Do you mean that when I am pissed at the H and send my H into feed the killer pony Bob all that psychic thought power I send Bob (Kill him Bob, Kick, and bite his balls off) does not really get through to the pony and he is acting out on his own attacking my H?? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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My dogs have powers, I'm telling you!


And sure they lick themselves... just not their balls. :p I don't think they can reach their butts.. they do lick each others butts though.

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My dogs have powers, I'm telling you!





Yes my dogs have powers too!


The uncanny power to hear a chip bag open at over 1 mile away.

Run off the mail delivery person at about same time each day (successful at it, the postal truck throws the mail in the box then leaves, so they ran it off!)

A cat that can bring me to the brink of murdering it ( not a true power, but it knows how far she can push me)

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whats that psychological phenomena where humans project their own human qualities (emotions, intelligence, etc...) upon their pets???


Anthropomorphism !!!!!!


2 guys sitting in a bar.


The bar owner's dog is lying by the fire giving his balls a good lick.


One of the customers watches the dog and says "Man, I really wish I could do that"


His friend says "Give him a biscuit and he might let you !!!!!!"

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