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The Bracelet

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Love Shack,


Thank you for the advice and the inspiration to do ref: "Wanting to do the Right Thing". My girl friend and I had a long talk and it was like having a new beginning. We love each other and its been wonderful to be in her company again. There is a new problem though this past weekend while in Baja Mexico we had a couple bracelet's made with each other's name. We called it a pre engagement gift. I would ware the bracelet with her name and she would ware mine. We were having a wonderful time but later that evening realized the bracelet she was wearing had fallen off. We searched for it but couldn't find it. This was very important to her so we looked for the vendor who sold us the bracelet's hoping to have another made. After a while we found another vendor and asked him to make 2 new bracelet's again one with her name and one with mine. These were not expensive and it was the idea that was truly important. The vendor asked me to write our names down and through all the commotion (possible excuse plus a couple margaritas) she asked how could I and pointed out that I wrote the name of my X-wife instead of hers. She was devastated she believes that I wrote the name of the person whom I really love! Nothing could be further from the truth. I cant believe I did this I apologized and tried to assure her my love was true. She was very hurt and angry and gave back the key to my house I gave her that weekend. I told her I have nothing to do with my X the only connection is she is the mother of my daughter. She began think that I was still dating (sleeping) with my X which again is false. Later at my house she claimed I probley kept momentous from my X and looked into a closet and pulled out a box of old photos found a few pictures of the (X) that I wasn't even aware where there. She asked me not to call her again. She doesn't trust me and I have been honest, I sent a dozen roses and a card to let her know how much I care, no response yet. Do you have any advice???

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  • 4 weeks later...
Love Shack, Thank you for the advice and the inspiration to do ref: ?Wanting to do the Right Thing?. My girl friend and I had a long talk and it was like having a new beginning. We love each other and its been wonderful to be in her company again. There is a new problem though this past weekend while in Baja Mexico we had a couple bracelet?s made with each other?s name. We called it a pre engagement gift. I would ware the bracelet with her name and she would ware mine. We were having a wonderful time but later that evening realized the bracelet she was wearing had fallen off. We searched for it but couldn?t find it. This was very important to her so we looked for the vendor who sold us the bracelet?s hoping to have another made. After a while we found another vendor and asked him to make 2 new bracelet?s again one with her name and one with mine. These were not expensive and it was the idea that was truly important. The vendor asked me to write our names down and through all the commotion (possible excuse plus a couple margaritas) she asked how could I and pointed out that I wrote the name of my X-wife instead of hers. She was devastated she believes that I wrote the name of the person whom I really love! Nothing could be further from the truth. I cant believe I did this I apologized and tried to assure her my love was true. She was very hurt and angry and gave back the key to my house I gave her that weekend. I told her I have nothing to do with my X the only connection is she is the mother of my daughter. She began think that I was still dating (sleeping) with my X which again is false. Later at my house she claimed I probley kept momentous from my X and looked into a closet and pulled out a box of old photos found a few pictures of the (X) that I wasn?t even aware where there. She asked me not to call her again. She doesn?t trust me and I have been honest, I sent a dozen roses and a card to let her know how much I care, no response yet. Do you have any advice???

i don't really have any advice for you, but i do wish you all the luck in the world. i know that true love doesn't come easy,and if you're the one in a million men who are truly honest than you deserve a good woman . give her some time, major sucking up and hopefully she'll come back. i really hope eveything works out for you. i hate to hear about people so close to total happienss and then something like this happens.i say a prayer for you.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks Stacy we talked and got back together but there was so much insecurity, jealousy and hurt feeling that the relationship couldn't move forward so went our own ways. Trust and Acceptance are so important in order for relationship to grow. Best wishes in yours.



i don't really have any advice for you, but i do wish you all the luck in the world. i know that true love doesn't come easy,and if you're the one in a million men who are truly honest than you deserve a good woman . give her some time, major sucking up and hopefully she'll come back. i really hope eveything works out for you. i hate to hear about people so close to total happienss and then something like this happens.i say a prayer for you.
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