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Go Or Not to Go.......


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I am new to the forum and as i read over a few of these post you seem to help some people. Anyhow, I think I am fallin in love with one of my friends. Many people think we are "seeing" each other but we just hang out a lot i guess. I dunno how to express myself around her sometimes, since it seems like we both can get a little flirtatious. I do wish to kinda take it to another level with her, but i dont want to ruin the great friendship we have. So in some respects would it be wise to 'make a move'

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You have no choice but to let her know how you feel. Otherwise you are living a lie by being her friend but really wanting more. You are also putting yourself through a lot of hurt and pain if you watch as she dates and gets romantic with other people.


If after talking to her she expresses that she wants to keep it just a friendship, then you need to back away for a bit and pursue romance elsewhere and renew the friendship when your feelings toward her have changed.


Of course, if she's seeing someone now, don't bring this up at all. But if she's not, it's a great time to clear the air and see just where you stand.

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