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She cheated twice... What do I do?

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Well Im only 18 but I've been dating Stephanie for 2 years, not only that but we already have a kid together. Just recently though, she cheated on me. Like an idiot I said well I want to try again for the baby, this was on a Wednesday that she did it, after all of the yelling and crying, we got back together, then the same Saturday she does it again with the same guy some Fag who works at wendys, god i was soooo pissed off, but when you have a baby with someone ther are few choices, and now she really claims she wants to get back with me and it will never happen again...


Is this believeable or should I just give up, because everything inside of me is telling me that if I got back with her, it would just happen again, if someone could just reassure me either way, that would be wonderful we still talk on the phone and stuff and i love my daughter so much thats what makes it so hard... what should i do? we live in different states now, I either have to live w/o her and my daughter or put up with the s*** again... Full custody of the daughter is too hard to get for the father... wher is the date doctor when i need him??? :lmao: :lmao:

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