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just a question about cheating bf's.. guys i need some insight as well!

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ok i just have a simple question...


Why is it that when guys cheat, they tend to me more lovey dovey with their girlfriends? Like, more hugging and cuddling and looking into eyes, and kissing, and saying sweet things, and holding their girlfriend like they never want to let them go, and having more intimate sex with their girlfriend? Is it because of guilt or what??? OR does it make the guy realize he loves his girlfriend even more?

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Their over-compensating to make up for their guilt.


so just because a guy cheated on his girl, that means he doesnt love her?all this cheating business is sooooo messed up. it causes so much confusion!!!!

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What do you think that does in the long run? Do you think it makes the bf and gf closer or do you think it's a matter of time before the lie comes out? I personally don't know how anyone can pretend something never happened or how someone can look their supposed love in the face after cheating...

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I am new to this site. You are my first one I have respone too. I hate that you are going through this but you are that the first nor the last. I myself was cheated on and done some cheating. I know how you feel. We as humans who have cheated hate to be cheated on. So in turn to answer your question, I believe guilt more then anything. For that person who is doing the cheating have some issues of their own. Wheither it's not getting enough attention from the person they love or this is what that person seen most of their life. I wish I really had a much better answer for you. I also want you to know that you do not have to put up with it. It will only get worst if you do not talk to that person and you just let it go. I wish you good luck, take care, and GOD Speed!!!

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thankyou all for your insight. its just weird because its like, i want to believe he wont do it again.. as soon as i get the whole story together ill have more info for everyone about where this post is coming from. im just hurt and i wanna stay but i just cant trust him. i love him tho...even if he isnt doin anything im still gonna think the opposite. I have a huge problem with trust.


the thing is i dont really believe you dont love someone jsut because you cheated on them.he shows me he loves me everyday... or maybe its to keep me around till after he does what he wants. but he still loves me.... i dont know . UGHHH!

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