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Could anyone who is wiser and have more experince in life tell me..


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Those reasons are basic, simple and complex. But can be narrowed down into a few areas. Those are giving a helping hand, trying to explain things to others based upon their own knowledge, experince,or words that they feel are correct from others that they trust, and looking for friendships, or love, if you want to call it that. So what's the meaning of life you ask. Well it's not looking good to the opposite sex so you can get laid easily . It isn't ##### till you drop. You don't need to look very far at all. You can find the meaning of life in your own hear, for it's within they. He/she is meaning of life. If you want to #####, go #####. If you want to learn, go learn. If you want to help others, go help others. If you want to be a thief, go be a thief.


BTW, Could anyone who is wiser and have more experiences in life tell me what are the most criteria living a life.. What's life is??

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Those reasons are basic, simple and complex. But can be narrowed down into a few areas. Those are giving a helping hand, trying to explain things to others based upon their own knowledge, experince,or words that they feel are correct from others that they trust, and looking for friendships, or love, if you want to call it that. So what's the meaning of life you ask. Well it's not looking good to the opposite sex so you can get laid easily . It isn't ##### till you drop. You don't need to look very far at all. You can find the meaning of life in your own hear, for it's within they. He/she is meaning of life. If you want to #####, go #####. If you want to learn, go learn. If you want to help others, go help others. If you want to be a thief, go be a thief. BTW, Could anyone who is wiser and have more experiences in life tell me what are the most criteria living a life.. What's life is??
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Well, you say the meaning of life isn't ##### till you drop, but it sure would be fun if it was!!!

Just in response to ##### til you drop, from my view, yes is lots of fun...but what do you do with the "feelings"...when they arrive, when all there is, is ####### and then the ##### is gone and so is the partner? Sorry, I have no wisdom, lost all mine when my "wisdom teeth" were pulled out several years ago. All I can do now is put one foot in front of the other, and do on to others as I would have do unto me. I "try" to live in the present, cause, the only thing you can do is to find forgiveness for the imperfectness of past life, and hope and pray for guidance for the future that your choices will be good ones.A biggie for me is to learn from my mistakes, not saying that I don't do them again, but to find growth through the pain of learning and gratitude for all of my blessings.

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My post was for entertainment purposes only. Sorry you don't have my sense of humor. Maybe you're just lucky.


I agree with everything you said in the more serious vein.

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it's what you give, not what you take


it's being able to look at yourself in a mirror and liking what you see and if you don't like what you see, being mature enough to change it


it's being able to say you're sorry and mean it and not waste the other person's time saying you're sorry if you're not


it's learning to crawl before you walk, and sometimes, it's being grateful you can still crawl


it's realizing that sometimes, what you don't have, is more important than what you do


it's not forgetting that we all bleed red and thereby letting go of prejudice and hate


it's actually stopping and smelling the flowers


but, what do I know!

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My post was for entertainment purposes only. Sorry you don't have my sense of humor. Maybe you're just lucky. I agree with everything you said in the more serious vein.

I don't know Tony, sometimes I wish, like now to have more of a sense of humor. Perhaps the subject was too close to home for me, don't know? I do like your sense of humor by the way ;o)

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