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Dont know what to o!

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OKay, I dont know what to do!

My girlfriend and I have been going out for about 7 years now. We broke up for about 3 months, and we each had a bf/gf. We have been back together now for about 6 months now since that. My problems is this, she keeps talking to her X. I have asked her to stop talking to him, and she tells me okay. Then I find out that she has been talking to him on the internet. It has been causing much problems in our relationship. I love this girl so much, I dont want to be with out her. Its coming down to breaking up with her over it, because it has been causing us so much problems. Am I in the fault for think this way? Is there any other way that I can handle this? If so, how? This is also my first post on here, its sad that I have to come to the net for advice about it but I am lost as of what to do. Thanks

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First of all, there's nothing sad about "coming to the net" for advice. If you think about it, where else can you explain your situation to potentially hundreds of people with relationship experience and get decent advice? If nothing else, you'll get a lot of perspectives you might not have considered.


As for your problem, it sounds like you really can't handle your girlfriend talking to her ex. If that's the case, it might be time to offer her a choice (I hate the term ultimatum but I guess some people might call it that.) Let her know she can either be with you and not talk to that guy anymore or she can be single and talk to that guy as much as she wants. Leave it up to her to decide. Sometimes you've gotta make a stand in a relationship and it sounds like that's the situation you're in.



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OKay, I dont know what to do!

My girlfriend and I have been going out for about 7 years now. We broke up for about 3 months, and we each had a bf/gf. We have been back together now for about 6 months now since that. My problems is this, she keeps talking to her X. I have asked her to stop talking to him, and she tells me okay. Then I find out that she has been talking to him on the internet. It has been causing much problems in our relationship. I love this girl so much, I dont want to be with out her. Its coming down to breaking up with her over it, because it has been causing us so much problems. Am I in the fault for think this way? Is there any other way that I can handle this? If so, how? This is also my first post on here, its sad that I have to come to the net for advice about it but I am lost as of what to do. Thanks

Uh,...maybe she isn't taking your relationship seriously anymore. I mean, 7 years? I don't blame her for finding other prospects, imo...doesn't look like she's getting anywhere with you.

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7 years? Does she want to get married? Have a family?


If so, I think she is sending you a loud message saying s***E OR GET OFF THE POT!

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