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what a situation this is

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ok guys, girls, lets see what you think. Last two weeks ago at work i met this girl that comes home on break from boarding school and comes in to get some hours at the same place I work. The first time I saw her i tripped over the table i was standing at, but we both laughed it off and we talked for two hours non-stop. i got her number, and called her the next day. We went out on a perfect date, and let me tell you that this girl is AMAZING. She is absolutely gorgeous, smart, and she is sooo easy to talk to and just have a pleasant conversation with. Well one day after one of our dates (we saw each other a lot during the week because i knew she was going back to school soon) and she tells me she as a bf...and has been with him for a year and some months. however we talked about it and us seeing each other did not persist. hmmm so i guess this is the typical "spring fling" kind of thing, just evanescent...and even though im in no position what so ever to be jealous...i still get that feeling because i like her so much. after she leaves this sunday, its going to be pretty damn painful. any suggestions for the whole pain thing would be fantastic. thanks

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Best way to deal with pain is to take your mind off her. Finding another hot lady like MadDog said, is a way to go. ;)

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