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I don't understand


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I started dating this guy about a month ago, I really liked him but he lives about three hours away from me. Things were good for awhile he came out to viset me twice the first two weeks we were dating. Everything was good when he left the last time he was here. I was supposed to go see him the next day after he left here. But he never called, and when I called him he said he was having problems with his car. He called two nights later but I didn't get to talk to him. But that was the last time he called me. That was over two weeks ago. About four days ago, I heard from a friend that he was getting back together with his ex. But I don't know how reliable her source was. When she told me I was disapionted but kind of glad at the same time because I new what was going on and I didn't have to guess why he didn't like me anymore. I was starting to move on until last night. He decided to call me. I didn't talk to him but he left a message saying that he was sorry for not calling and that he'd been really busy. Now I'm confused, I really didn't think that he was the kind of guy that would cheat on his girlfriend which makes me wonder why he called. I'm not going to call him back cause I figuered that if he wants to talk to me he'll call agian.

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Nothing to be confused about here, doll. This guy's a real jerk and he's been jerking you around big time.


Tell his butt off, let him know you demand people treat you lots better and if they want to be your friend they don't just go off and disappear only to reappear. Then cease all contact with him.


This is a no-brainer. You don't need people like this in your life.


I would also suggest that you try to find people to date who live much closer to you, say, within 25 or 30 minutes drive. You are apt to be a lot more successful that way that with these long distance deals.


If you're going to get jerked around and dumped on, it's nice to have them close by so you can kick them in the axs.

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