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How do I get him out of my heart, but keep him in my life

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I need some advice. I think that I am fully in love with one of my best friends. I am not sure. I know that he cares about me, we have actually been intimate. We still remain friends even after we were intimate and still are fairly close. I asked him once why he wouldn't date me, he said that we were too close and that I was too controlling to have a relationship with. ok, fine, he;s not into me that way, I get it. I need to get over it and i need advice on how to do that without killing the friendship. I appreciate him immensely and I don't want him out of my life, but I need to get him out of my heart to move on. :bunny:

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It rarely works when one friend has the hots for the other. If your friend understands. You two might have to take time away from each other think of LC to curb the feelings.


It may require the you get into a relationship or get married before a friendship can be re-established.

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The best way to get over someone is to meet someone else (or several "elses") who really does it for you. Another is to see your old flame in a very different and unflattering light. Finally, just losing contact for a long time can help as well.

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