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is she cheating or am i just jealous

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hi i have a problem with my gf we've been going out for about 3 weeks now and we were togethere 3 years ago but broke up we were young didnt know what we were doing (she knows i have been with a lot and i mean alot of girls since we broke up she calculated that it was about 1 every 2 weeks and i know it bothers her) but this past weekend she sort of checked up on me becasue she knows im a party person though i wasnt really doing anything that day she claims she went out with her mom( i doubt it though ) to do some shopping and later on i called to see what she wanted to do tommorrow she had met up with some freinds and she was at a party though she is known to be not the most trustworthy person i have my suspecions and later on she broke some plans for us the next day even though its a short time we've been together i keep feeling like im getting mixed singals and im sure it bothers her that ive been with many girls after we first broke up so is she trying to make me jealous or am i just delusional i doesnt really bother me though i could move on to another girl but for some unknown reason i keep being pulled toward this one basically i would just like to know if she is testing me

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so is she trying to make me jealous or am i just delusional i doesnt really bother me though i could move on to another girl but for some unknown reason i keep being pulled toward this one basically i would just like to know if she is testing me


some questions.....


are you still in contact with some of these girls you were with? if you are, does she know it? are you the type of guy who keeps girls on the side for back ups? have you broken ties with the girls you were with or are some of them still trying to contact you to "hook up", or are you still contacting them in case you wanna "hook up" (booty calls just in case soemthing happens with you and your girl) ?

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