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Re: Getting a little tired of our country ....


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i, for one, agree with OTT. yes, america has it better off than a lot of other countries, and yes, for the most part, we have clothes, and homes, and food, but that only takes care of the physical body. out of all the things i really dislike about america, i'll only mention this one: that before the wtc thing, no one cared. we all just went about our shallow little business, but now, everyone's all pseudo-patriotic when they weren't before. they think that only america can do good and that anything against us is "evil", even though to the individual or group that does the action, it is the opposite. and it's going to be like the witch hunts and red scare all over again, if we keep stereotyping middle easterners the way we have been. now i am not "attacking" any person on this forum, i'm just stating my opinion, and if someone disagrees with me, then that's fine, but this is my personal truth right now. =)

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