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I feel like I'm going crazy

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My BF recently cheated (he is now ex BF), and unfortunately I know the email addy and myspace site of the other woman (google). I'm having a hard time not doing some really psycho girl stuff right now. Her bio on my space says how she hates broken promises and hearts, and how her heart is one of her best features.

It's all I can do right now to write a comment in her space about if she hates broken promises and hearts, how come she F****d my BF (she knew about me). I know it takes two...but what a f-ing hippocrit.


Please. someone who is of more rational mind that I right now talk some sense into me.

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I know how you feel my ex b/f cheated on me with my best mate. If you did say something this could start a huge feud and alot of upset and make you hurt for even longer while now you should be pampering yourself and doing what you want to do...concerntrait on yourself make yourself feel good...go out have a good time dress up take a camera with you put it all on myspace about how much of a good time you've been having..dont let them get you down whatever you do trust me it'll ruin you. x

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Write out how you feel on paper or type it into a blank email but DO NOT ADDRESS IT and DO NOT SEND IT TO HER. This is for you only! A way of relieving your feelings, anger and whatever else is on your mind.


If you send it to her, that gives her power over you. She couldn't give a crap about you so why even bother amusing her by sending an email or making a comment about her on myspace??!! Think about it. She probably would gloat and make your life even more miserable by reacting to what you say to her.


The best revenge is to move past it all! Don't ever let them know how s***ty they made you feel. She isn't not worth your time or energy! Neither is your EXboyfriend.

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thanks WWIU...I know emailing her would put me in the wrong just as much as what she did....I just can't believe people. Sorry to all you other women/men out there, but I just can't understand 1- people who cheat, and 2- people who sleep with someone knowing full well they are not single...this woman has children...what kind of example is that? Were her kids in the next room while she and the xbf were having sex!!!!!!!!!! Like hi, kids, here is some other random dude I've brought over go f*** now.

what happened to people's morals? I'm no prude, and I'm not religious, but jeez! it is really beyond my comprehension.

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Sorry to all you other women/men out there, but I just can't understand 1- people who cheat, and 2- people who sleep with someone knowing full well they are not single...this woman has children...what kind of example is that? Were her kids in the next room while she and the xbf were having sex!!!!!!!!!! Like hi, kids, here is some other random dude I've brought over go f*** now.

what happened to people's morals? I'm no prude, and I'm not religious, but jeez! it is really beyond my comprehension.


If anything her being a single mom probably encouraged her to sleep with him since she probably doesn't feel too desirable given her situation (way less guys go after women with kids than without.) It was probably her way of feeling like she could still get someone. That makes her a bitch.



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