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ever feel like


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everything you do isnt what they want - you can be supportive and loving but not that they say it or even feel it but you think its not enough - this could be the stress of everything that has happened this past week - just realizing how short life can be and not wanting to miss a thing - and always wanted to hold the one you love close to you because you never know when they might not come home again -

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When I do things for people or am there for them in whatever way and they don't make me feel they appreciate me or the things I have done, I tell them to kiss off and I move on my merry way.


Yeah, we can get blown up any minute...sure. But if this dude here is going to be killed any minute, it's going to be under my terms and surely not with a friend or lover who doesn't appreciate my goodness.


You can't be a wimp just because life is short. I promise you, life can be a real drag if you go through it as a pushover.


Get some rest and be sure you're around people who really value and appreciate you. And don't be stressed. We've been through lots worse things than what's happened in the last week.


Over and out.

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everything you do isnt what they want - you can be supportive and loving but not that they say it or even feel it but you think its not enough - this could be the stress of everything that has happened this past week - just realizing how short life can be and not wanting to miss a thing - and always wanted to hold the one you love close to you because you never know when they might not come home again -

Some times you don't get what you want from others and just have to accept that is the way they are. Sometimes they don't give you what you want..cause they don't know. If this guy is valuable to you..tell him, and have him tell you, "esp" in relationships is a fast way to loose out, create resentment, and anger for needs not being met. Yes, I agree the past week has influenced many people stop and take a look at where they are at, and where they want to be and who they want in their lives. Me included, I dumped a guy I had been with for two months last wednesday for the reasons you are writting about.He couldn't get "not sure" out of his vocabulary to be honest with me about his feelings. So I told him, when you "want to" write to me when you can give me more than "I'm not sure". Right/wrong ? I don't know, I miss him,and feel sad too. Despite that, I feel better within myself and know that when I find a replacement in my life for the time we were together, I won't feel that loss so much. I'm worth more, and want to give to someone who appreciates what I do. However, one difference, I do what I want to, and try not to expect anything in return...for the particular "act of kindness, or giving" however, I do not tollerate rudeness, or lack of appreciation in the overall relationship. I posted on the 8th the first time and then again a week later if you want to read my experience. Best of luck!

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