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why can't i do right?

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I am 19 years old and the guy i'm seeing...we've been together for nearly 3 years! i love with all my heart and he says at times i don't show it! we've had many ups and downs and we're doing really well to start over! I guess i'm just jealous because i keep tryna accuse him and catchin him doin stuff! I even got set up by him and a girl i thought he was seein! i don't want to lose him but i don't know who to grow up and take him for what he is! I keep seeing all those ghosts from the past and i don't want to anymore! what should i do.,...I love this guy with all my heart and I don't want to lose him!

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I am 19 years old and the guy i'm seeing...we've been together for nearly 3 years! i love with all my heart and he says at times i don't show it! we've had many ups and downs and we're doing really well to start over! I guess i'm just jealous because i keep tryna accuse him and catchin him doin stuff! I even got set up by him and a girl i thought he was seein! i don't want to lose him but i don't know who to grow up and take him for what he is! I keep seeing all those ghosts from the past and i don't want to anymore! what should i do.,...I love this guy with all my heart and I don't want to lose him!


you say you keep seeing all those ghosts from the past.. has he cheated on you before?? im having the same problem almost, but thats because our relationship was rocky at first and he cheated on me twice as far as i know. he is doing good now but i still cant seem to get over what he did to me before. perhaps this is your problem also? i too keep trying to pin my bf on stuff. i live in constant worry, and maybe need to ge tout the relationship cuz i have a big issue with trust. i love my guy too!


im trying to work on my trust issues and trust that he has changed. its a hard thing to do!!

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19!!! I'd give anything to be 19 again........ you are so, so young...... please do not waste your years worrying about what you cannot control. The more you cling and act needy, insecure and jealous - the more power you give to your boyfriend to cheat.


You are YOUNG. He's YOUNG. Take it easy and don't look at your relationship as a life or death matter. You will become obsessed if you don't snap out of it.


Love makes people do crazy things. You love him but you're obsessed. You need to stop putting all your power into his hands or you're going to end up being hurt.


Pull back and force yourself to gain some confidence back. He'll be much more attracted to you and less likely to wander if he sees you as a confident, un-needy, jealous girl. Confidence is much sexier than being clingy and insecure - trust me!

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