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Where do I go from here?

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Ok, I saw this guy (I'll call him Keith) at the place I go to every Friday.


I was immediately attracted to him.

At the same time, I just started dating someone.

I was there with the date guy and we were sitting together and Keith walked up to me and introduced himself to me only (right in front of the date guy) and kept walking.

I had a feeling he was interested.


The date guy and I weren't serious really and the following week I was there alone and Keith and I hung out together the entire night. We had alot of fun. He asked for my number. He called a few times but never asked me out. I joked with him about asking for a date and he said he just likes to take things slow.


Then I didn't hear from him or see him for a while. During this time, date guy and I became "boyfriend and girlfriend".


A couple of weeks ago, I was there with my boyfriend, and Keith was there too. At this point, my boyfriend and I have been dating about 3 months.

I guess my boyfriend sensed something because he was kissing and hugging me. Basically, "peeing circles around me". Keith didn't look very happy.

Then I saw my boyfriend talking to Keith for about an hour. I avoided them so I didn't know what they were talking about. I didn't speak with Keith other then a 'hello' that entire evening.


I should tell you that the boyfriend and I have been on really shaky ground and I'm on the verge of breaking this off. It's not even a little bit good anymore. He's mentally abusive amongst other things but that's another post.


Last week, my boyfriend was out of town. It was Friday night and Keith was there. My friend said he waited for me for hours. She had told him I would be there soon and I guess he figured that meant I'd be alone and he waited.


So I come in, he immediately comes to me and kissed me hello and asks "where's the boyfriend". I told him that he was out of town.

I asked about the hour long conversation they had last time I saw him and he said that my boyfriend told him that we have been dating for 2 years!!!


He said he thought it was strange because when we were talking on the phone months ago, I didn't mention him. I told him that's because we weren't boyfriend and girlfriend at that time and 2 years is a lie.


(By the way, I really really like Keith in case that wasn't clear)


Anyway, we ended up going home together. (I made the first move) He called me yesterday but still hasn't asked me to get together.

I'm pretty sure he's interested because he told my friend how much he loves being with me.


Now, my question is, what is his deal?

Why does he not make plans with me? Is it the boyfriend? I didn't have one when we started talking months ago. Is it the challenge?

What should I do?

I'm going to break it off with the boyfriend ( I still haven't seen him since Friday) but should I tell Keith this? I'm thinking it will scare him because of how 'slow' he likes things. Or is it different now that we have been intimate? I don't want to scare him away by suddenly being single but I don't want him to avoid me because of the the boyfriend.


Should I be calling Keith and asking him out being that I'm the one attached in his eyes?


I need some help with this.

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