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In love with my girlfriends sister....

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Alrighty, I'm doing this cause I can't talk to ANYONE about this, except strangers on a PC. Perhaps your advice will lead me to actually knowing what to do....


I have this girlfriend who I've been with for almost two years, and I love her. We spend almost every minute together (When we aren't working, in class, or what not) and things go great. But we fight, we get jealous, and we get untrusting. One of the main fights is her sister. She has always been upset over her sister, cause I guess in the past her sister would "flirt" with her past boyfriends, even though the sister says she never did. I think I should give them names.... girlfriend: DAWN, sister ANN. Well, I have always thought Ann was attractive and interesting, since the first moment I saw her. In fact the first time I met her she did something I never seen a woman due (up until that point) and flip out on some girl in the parking lot of Wal-Mart while we were moving. Seen enough of that since, though. Anyways, Ann (the sister) had a boyfriend and my girlfriend and I would hang out with them on occasion, even though I never really wanted too. Dont know why I didnt, just didnt. Anyways, Ann got pregnant and eventually married her boyfriend and now she is married and has a soon to be one year old baby girl (who is just darling). Her husband joined the military and was sent away and since that time her and I have gotten...close, i dont know if that is the right word... we have talked and shared each others problems (relationship wise, he is very angry and would smash things and I have witnessed crazy fights, and my girlfriend is extremly jealous and untrusting) we have gone out for drinks and just hung out. I would plead her not to tell anyone, which she said she would (even though she told her family we were hanging out, even her husband, but I dont believe to this date any of them told my girlfriend, cause she hates to know we hang out with each other) So any who, we have hung out and I have had a ball talking with her. Some of the things she says is so adorable, she is smart, and gorgeous. The other day we spent roughly about 8 hours hanging out (my girlfriend knew, even though she doenst know everything we did) She wanted to show my mom and grandmom a product she sells, so I went with her. Then we went for a ride, hung out, talked, and even stopped to get something to eat (even though I didnt want too, and she paid for me, OUCH!). Well, I have a habit of texting her, and sometimes letting on more than I should. She sent me a text two months ago about finding yer true soulmate and I replied back to her that the name ANN came up, she said thats crazy she didnt get a name. Well...after we hung out for those 8 hours I wrote her a text that said "sorry" for which she replied "4 what shut up" so I wrote back "till next time?" she never responded... so I wrote back "definetely sorry"...still no response... so after a few hours I decided to text her "i just wish we could be real friends i enjoy your company i'ma stop now"...still no response... no response at all...this happened all last night...her husband will be returning from the military (he got kicked out i guess) for good and now they will go back to having their life, which will have its bumpy roads and I dont know what to do...since then I have questioned...what am I doing? How did I get this way? I believe I love her, or atleast, I'm in love with the thought of her, which is what I keep telling myself... So now I'm torn, and torn in many different huge directions. I would love to go back to my girlfriend, act like none of this is there and move on, forget ANN, but scared I dont know if I really can.... I want to tell her how I feel, but scared to death of the reprecusions of it all, and scared of losing her as a friend... so the advice I need is this... 1) should I stay with my girlfriend and forget this, or tell her? 2) should I tell ANN and see what happens? 3) should i just leave all this alone and live my life.... or what do you think?? I'm in love with my girlfriends sister, who is married, with child, and I know probably doesnt even think of me in that light...even though there are times, and feelings, I get that maybe, somewhere inside, she does.... its in your court, internet community.... I have never done this before, I have never opened up this way, so please...I am begging you... i need your help... I am 25 years old, my name is JD, and I am in the bit of a fuster cluck....thank you for your time...

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