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I am sure you all know at least one of these.....

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This question needs to be answered to save me what little sanity I have left........





Have any of you had a BF that has a girl friend that is a total viper? Someone that has f***ed all of his friends, family, and when it came down to f***ing him, denied him, engaging him into a twisted power struggle where he ends up chasing after it, and you get the drift.....men, have you ever been that man in that position, and if so, what ultimately happened? Have you lied to your GF about this viper and tried to get her to accept this poisonous relationship you had going on with the viper?


for more about what i mean exactly, please read this thread:

The cover is blown..now I know...Just need to know the next step..

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Have any of you had a BF that has a girl friend that is a total viper? Someone that has f***ed all of his friends, family, and when it came down to f***ing him, denied him, engaging him into a twisted power struggle where he ends up chasing after it, and you get the drift.....men, have you ever been that man in that position, and if so, what ultimately happened? Have you lied to your GF about this viper and tried to get her to accept this poisonous relationship you had going on with the viper?[/url]


I've run into girls like that before. No matter how good she might look, the fact that she gives it up so easily to any guy makes her unappealing to me. I want a girl to want me for who I am and not just go after me because I'm a good lay.


What I normally do in that situation is play her game and pretend like she's so cool and hot etc. but then never do anything. It's genius because then she'll go nuts wondering why I don't sleep with her. It's my way of playing her game and winning, and everyone knows there's nothing more satisfying than playing someone's game and beating them at it.


Now if I were a guy that was maybe a little insecure and perhaps desperate for sex, yeah I'd probably be tempted to get with the "viper." I've never been insecure or desperate though so I don't know exactly what those guys go through.



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Yes, but, because she didnt f*** you, you all of a sudden thought of her in a "saintly" light? as I posted in my other thread "she cant be that immoral if she didnt screw you" to where you develop more than that for her......??


and as a GF in this situation, what do I do? I cant fight with him about her, because it will only push them closer....MadDog, what do you recommend, for me as the GF to get him back in my corner and safely away from the viper?


I call it the "step away from the viper" defensive strategy program... ha ha ha


Or have I already lost???

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So what exactly is it about her that makes her pure evil again? Besides being less than virtuous and not very discriminating when it comes to her sexual partners?


In list form, that may be easier to read.

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I don't think he's worth fighting for. Let her have him.


He probably just thinks she's saintly because he's obsessed with not "losing." Also, remember you're basing your assumptions about her on what his family says about her...

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b_o....the fact that she is preying upon my BF shamelessly....I dont care who she screws, but why play some twisted game with him??? Why lead him on and f*** with his head to make it impossible for anyone else to have him when she herself doesnt even want him???


I mean, what gives??? Why be so f***ing selfish?! Knowing that he has a GF and even met me before?? She wasnt satisfied with the other 30 she has been screwing??!!!

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b_o....the fact that she is preying upon my BF shamelessly....I dont care who she screws, but why play some twisted game with him??? Why lead him on and f*** with his head to make it impossible for anyone else to have him when she herself doesnt even want him???


I mean, what gives??? Why be so f***ing selfish?! Knowing that he has a GF and even met me before?? She wasnt satisfied with the other 30 she has been screwing??!!!


I am confused - has she revealed her sinister plot, or are you playing the attribution game?

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I don't think he's worth fighting for. Let her have him.


He probably just thinks she's saintly because he's obsessed with not "losing." Also, remember you're basing your assumptions about her on what his family says about her...


Catgirl is right typical. Do you really want a guy who would actually fall for a girl while he's supposedly your boyfriend? Wouldn't you be better off with a guy that respects you and pretty much limits himself to you while you're together?


This isn't some kind of tug of war game where she tries to get your guy into bed while you hold him back. A good relationship would be where a guy might notice a girl is hot but then doesn't think twice about actually doing anything about it cause he knows his girl's even hotter and a dynamo in the sack. The bottom line is, a satisfied guy, unless he's an idiot, won't be tempted to stray. The same goes for girls but sometimes what it takes to satisfy a girl can be different than for a guy.



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I am basing my info on a trusted reliable source who has nothing to gain from even telling me that, other than to reassure me I wasnt going crazy....which was confirmed more than once thanks to my underhanding probing when noone knew that I knew....asking simple questions....got me the answers, and confirmed the trusted sources information...


God, I dont know what to do...I cant break up with him now, my inner brain receptor for "revenge" wont let me....I know I should let it go, but it hurts so bad, I dont care...I warned him to begin with not to get involved with me to hurt me, that there were plenty of women in the world he could do that to, but my heart cant take it again, and he promised......


I still dont know if he ended up screwing her before he met me, after he met me, recently, not at all, or what the f?? I dont know what he and her have done, I only know what type she is, what she has done to him, what he has acted like, and not sure what else...

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Let me tell you something, completely not malicious -- hell I don't even know you -- IME, whenever you stay with someone solely for the purposes of revenge, it comes back to bite you on the ass. Big time.


Sometimes it takes weeks/months/YEARS -- but it always bites you in the ass.

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I am confused - has she revealed her sinister plot, or are you playing the attribution game?
:lmao: :lmao:


very funny! No, she didnt reveal her sinister plot, but she has met me and pretended like she was just some nice innocent chick that wasnt leading my BF on, and then she talks crap behind my back....which got back to me because my BF obviously thinks about her 24/7 and he cant filter info very well...just by the off hand comments she makes...and to think, I almost fell for it....I almost fell for, "maybe we should all go and hang out"....

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Sometimes it takes weeks/months/YEARS -- but it always bites you in the ass.


I agree, completely, and I dont care....I really dont....this time around, I dont care, my whole world is shattered....I dont have trust in the male race anyway, I just dont care.....

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Well then become a lesbian. That will serve dual purposes - to keep you safe from future male interaction and also deliver a crushing blow to his male ego. Two birds with one stone, man.

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I agree with b_o. Don't waste your time. Wanna really get him back? Walk away and never think of him again. Or, never let him know you're thinking of him.

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Well then become a lesbian. That will serve dual purposes - to keep you safe from future male interaction and also deliver a crushing blow to his male ego. Two birds with one stone, man.


:lmao: brilliant and make your first partner the viper and then dump her ass! :lmao:

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whats wrong with me
:lmao: brilliant and make your first partner the viper and then dump her ass! :lmao:



you guys just gave me some malicious ideas;) .........hmmm...........:)

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I never ask myself whether he is faithful, how many girls has he been with or will he cheat on me. I only ask myself: can I trust this man? If I think I can, I trust him. If not, I can't be with someone I don't trust. I have a radar for trust that detects the people's (dis)honesty pretty early upon meeting them so I rely on that.

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