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It's been almost a week since I wrote to my guy and still have heard nothing. But in talking to friends that I have I found a very distinct difference between the male and female take on this situation. All the girls I talked to said not to expect any explination or contact from him at all. And all the guys I talked to said he would definitely contact me eventually , just give him space. That he may not be a jerkoff that never cared, but in fact may feel bad that he hurt me bc he did care about me.


So that was strange. But the best thing to come out of this is the discussion I had with my exbf. I am not sure if some of you are familiar with my situation with my ex but it was a 4yr relationship that ended kinda badly. Ok really badly.


Since we have decided to bury the hatchet and try to be friends. Aware that neither of us want to be with eachother. And this is the first time I have said that and meant it. I want this other guy back... or someone very much like him (good stuff not avoidance).


Anyway I asked him to tell me the truth , if I was a bad girlfriend. And he said ,surprisingly, that I was an amazing girlfriend. The most fun he ever had. And that I may be distrusting and emotional but I am loving and loyal, and fun, and understanding , compassionate and that I would do anything for the person I love. Wow.


And that there are two types of relationships people are looking for. One is a companion in which the people can remain themselves and independent and the other a joining of lives and souls into one.. and he wants the former and I want the latter and thats one of the main reasons we dont work. WOW!


It was a great conversation. It's nice to have a mature adult relationship with someone I had history with but can still be friends with. It makes me proud and gives me hope that maybe this guy (who was a lot more mature than my ex at the begining) and I can resolve something... so here's hoping.

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wish you the best of luck.


Maybe it is the music by Daneille Peck playing in the background.

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thanks for the well wishes.. but um who is danielle peck and why does this msg bring her music to mind?

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Sal Paradise

It sounds like he wants to get back with you. Not the one you wrote the letter to but the one you had the conversation with. I'd be on my guard (unless you want to pursue something with him). Kind of funny that this all came out while you and the other guy are seperated.

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I sincerely hope you're wrong about the ex. And even if you're not I don't really care. I want the other guy back.


Do I have to wait until things are going wrong with me and someone new for THIS guy to come back? Today has been awful by the way. I miss the new guy so much.


All this time I have been rationalizing what i said and did and had everyone tell me I did the right thing. I just hate that everything happened the way it did and I just wish I knew what he was thinking. He made me feel a way I have never felt before in a relationship and it kills me that I may have messed it all up somehow.


I dont want the ex. I am just greatful for his insight. We are over.

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