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I really think he is cheating. And I am dying over ith

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I will NOT tell you something you all ready know...as your story sounds so close to mine. I do know what you feel like. the hopelessness that comes with the feeling of being lied to..i know how you want to believe his half assed explainations. I just want you to know that there are other ppl in this world that love their partner even after being broken and beaten down emotianally. Everyone will tell you to lose him..but it isnt that easy is it? when you are laying in bed at night and feel a thick dread come over your whole body...thinking, that you will be all alone. that there will be no one there for you, and you wish that you could close your eyes and cease to exist. i just want to tell you i know what it feels like to feel as you NEED something from that person. Hang on...all of life cant possibly feel this way.

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X3Tina...what you wrote made me cry.


That could've been me writing it. It feels so good and so bad to know someone knows exactly how I feel. I know that dread at night you're talking about...its the worst feeling. I can't even escape it when I sleep, I have horrible nightmares of him cheating. I'm very sorry for anyone who can relate to this situation. :(


I'm glad you understand how hard it is to just give up, even though all evidence says you should. It feels impossible. I feel like I'm drowning in this and I don't know how to keep it up.


Thank you again to everyone who gave me advice, or just read what I wrote. It means a lot that some people out there care.

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