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i still miss her like mad.. me

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hi all ,am posting this as am in hope for some answers

my gf left me 1 year ago today 28th march,she ran of with a guy online which i have never seen,we was together for 6 years ,she was my world,we have a wonderfull 5 year old little girl which now lives with me as her mother wanted this,she does she her little girl now and than but not very much,,,when she 1st left us she moved away ,far away i never new where she was or any think,this hurt me loads,after 6 months she came bk to live in the same town as me but she was allso with him,she is still with him now and has told me she loves him loads,i never stopped loveing her and now its been a years am thinking of her every nite and all so feel like am cracking up ,i miss her so much,we was so happy and we did everythink togerther ,i feel lost and confused,like i not just lost my gf but my best firend to,we have tryed to stay firends more for our little girls sake but i cant seem to do it,i love her and i hate her if that makes sence,its been a year like i said and i still cant stop thinking of her,i no she is doing well in her new job and she is really happy now,i have gone down hill so much and dont have much to look forward to any more,only think i have is my little girl which i find hard at times,we loved each other for 6 years and u could see we did love each other well,when she left me she said it wasnt me she never wanted kids and off she went leaving me everythink,,no one can love that girl more than me no way,shes got a new life and is so happy so am told,cant i be like this,am finding now if a girl likes me i run a mile its like i dont want no one only my ex bk,and yet i no she never come bk ,do i just need more time,,its been a year??? i still love her like it was yersterday,everyone tell me i shouldnt ever take her bk ,but deep down i never wanted to lose her,she was my angel came into my life and sorted me right out,than left me again ,and now everythink seems to be falling apart around me,,,i have seen her once with her bf and my hearted skipped a beat i felt like cruling up in a little ball and crying forever,everyday i think of her even cry still after a year,is there no way bk for me have i lost her for ever???

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dude not to be rude but man you type horrible or maybe you just spell horrible, you should work on that :)


anyway, after everything this girl has done you still want her back??? thats bad! look what she did to her daughter. what does that tell you about the type of person she is! she doesnt love you or her daughter. shes putting that dude before yall. i know you can find someone else out there!! dont let yourself fall apart just because you dont have her anymore. it seems you are letting yourself go downhill... scary!! you really need to move on. this isnt good for you! im sorry you are in this position and i feel bad for you and your daughter. this girl is not a woman, nor would she be a good gf. she doesnt even see her child! wow.....try doing something to occupy your time. MEET SOMEONE ELSE OR SOMETHING! hope everything goes well!!

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What exactly has she done that is so horrible?


She was upfront about not wanting to be in the relationship with you anymore and promptly moved out (or this is what I'm assuming anyway). This happens, and you can't force somebody that loves another person to stay with you. And even if you could, would you want that?


Regarding the little girl... well, some of us just aren't cut out to be mothers, and I would say it's a good thing that she left her with you, where she knows the child will be well taken care of.


It happens everyday that marriages break and the children are left with the mother. Why is it a bad thing that it worked out the other way?


Suddenly she's horrible for doing what hundreds of men do? Think about it.


She's being very honest about her feelings for her boyfriend, you must accept this and move on. I know it's hard, but it's been a year... this doesn't look like just a fling... for your sake, and your child's, carry on with your life.



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That was pretty incredible. I think your whole post was 2 long sentences. Anyway, no she's not coming back to you. I agree with Elyssa here. Aside from needing to be a better mother, I don't think she's doing anything wrong here.


She obviously didn't love you so she decided to move on so she could pursue her happiness and you could do the same. The only problem is that instead of moving on, you've decided to dwell in the past. Think of it this way. If she really still wanted to be with you, what's she doing with that guy? Why would she leave in the first place?



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What exactly has she done that is so horrible?


She was upfront about not wanting to be in the relationship with you anymore and promptly moved out (or this is what I'm assuming anyway). This happens, and you can't force somebody that loves another person to stay with you. And even if you could, would you want that?


Regarding the little girl... well, some of us just aren't cut out to be mothers, and I would say it's a good thing that she left her with you, where she knows the child will be well taken care of.


It happens everyday that marriages break and the children are left with the mother. Why is it a bad thing that it worked out the other way?


Suddenly she's horrible for doing what hundreds of men do? Think about it.


She's being very honest about her feelings for her boyfriend, you must accept this and move on. I know it's hard, but it's been a year... this doesn't look like just a fling... for your sake, and your child's, carry on with your life.




I thought about it............. and it's horrible for either parent to do it.


It really irks me when anyone dismisses their responsibility to their kids.

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