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I was seeing this guy for about a week. He is a local radio personality and I really like him, but heres the problem. I would call when he asked me to, I did interupt him in a meeting, but he didnt even know he was going to be in a meeting. I went to 2 memorial services, one with my mother and one with my best friend (male). He got so mad at me for going. He says I was calling to much, what do you think?


BTW, he broke things off in an e-mail and is barely talking to me now.

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sounds to me like this guy doesn't know WHAT he wants. there's nothing more you can or SHOULD do, so i'd just put this one in the "experience list" and move on. i mean, how seriously was he taking things if he broke everything off in an e-mail . . . pretty cowardly.

I was seeing this guy for about a week. He is a local radio personality and I really like him, but heres the problem. I would call when he asked me to, I did interupt him in a meeting, but he didnt even know he was going to be in a meeting. I went to 2 memorial services, one with my mother and one with my best friend (male). He got so mad at me for going. He says I was calling to much, what do you think? BTW, he broke things off in an e-mail and is barely talking to me now.
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I was seeing this guy for about a week. He is a local radio personality and I really like him, but heres the problem. I would call when he asked me to, I did interupt him in a meeting, but he didnt even know he was going to be in a meeting. I went to 2 memorial services, one with my mother and one with my best friend (male). I KNEW HE WAS GOING TO BE AT BOTH OF THEM, BUT I DIDNT GO TO SEE HIM, OF COURSE IT WAS AN ADDED BONUS. THEN I WENT TO ONE AT A COMEDY CLUB WHERE HE WAS THE DJ (THE COMEDIAN COULDNT SHOW SO THE RADIO WAS HAVING A BENIFIT DANCE)AND HE GOT MAD AT ME WHEN I ASKED HIM IF HE WAS MAD AT ME. HE TOLD ME HE COULDNT TALK, HE WAS WORKING. WHEN HE TOOK A BREAK HE SAT NEXT TO ME AND I PUT MY HAND ON HIS LEG, HE GOT UP AND MOVED TABLES. He got so mad at me for going. He says I was calling to much, what do you think? BTW, he broke things off in an e-mail and is barely talking to me now. I E-MAILED HIM BACK TELLING HIM HE WAS A COWARD, THATS WHY HE ISNT TALKING TO ME. I KNOW HE HAD A ROUGH LIFE GROWING UP, BUT SO DID I AND IM NOT ANGERY AT THE WORLD LIKE HE IS. DO YOU THINK HE WAS LOOKING TO FIND SOMETHING WRONG??? HE WAS REALLY HURT BY AN EX.
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well, it sort-of seems like he just wasn't looking for the same thing you were. to be honest, you were only dating for a week! i'm not saying that excuses any of his actions, but it was only a week!


people can think and assume as much as they want by the way a person acts, but only THAT PERSON knows! as hard as it may be, you need to move on and not try and figure this out, because you simply won't.

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we met months ago and every since we atarted "talking", we had a deep connection. I know I need to move on, but I dont want to make the same mistakes with the next guy I start dating. HIs roommate said he is looking for a real relationship, a long term relationship. His ex gf really hurt him in the past so that might be his problem... hes scared.

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From what you've said, you may have accidentally pushed him too fast. Calling when he tells you to call is fine. Showing up at multiple events where you knew he was going to be possibly freaked him out. How did you act when you saw him at the Memorial services? Did you stick to him like glue or say 'hi' and leave it at that? I'm not saying you didn't have a right to be there--you did, but he may have felt pressured by seeing so much of you so quickly. It's better in the long run to be a little bit of a challenge and to give people their space in the beginning. Given his past relationship problems, he probably doesn't want to rush into anything, and seeing/hearing so much from you probably made him feel rushed.

we met months ago and every since we atarted "talking", we had a deep connection. I know I need to move on, but I dont want to make the same mistakes with the next guy I start dating. HIs roommate said he is looking for a real relationship, a long term relationship. His ex gf really hurt him in the past so that might be his problem... hes scared.
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