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Why do people settle down in relationships that are not nice and good. I know a lot of people who are with each other mostly out of fear that it is going to be hard to find someone else. Guys stay with girls because they know that is is hard to find a partner out there, and they sort of close their eyes on things that dont like, and are in denial great deal of time. Same with girls - I guess.

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well, i think you answered your own question there!


as sad as it is, many people have that "fear of being alone", so they'll take alot of CRAP to NOT be! i believe that before anyone can be in a healthy, rewarding, and ENJOYABLE relationship, they need to enjoy THEMSELVES first. then, you're not looking for someone to fill-in any gaps in your life you feel you may be missing.

Why do people settle down in relationships that are not nice and good. I know a lot of people who are with each other mostly out of fear that it is going to be hard to find someone else. Guys stay with girls because they know that is is hard to find a partner out there, and they sort of close their eyes on things that dont like, and are in denial great deal of time. Same with girls - I guess.
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