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broken hearted

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broken hearted

Well i've never used this site but here goes. My boyfriend and i have been together for what will be 5 years in october. And for the last month or so things have been very shakey. He alwayss says he is going for a ride and will be back. Well about a week ago i knew he was lying about something. Apparently that he had been hanging out with friends one of which is a girl. Ok no big deal. Well now he has done so many things to make me think something is going on.


He has asked me what would i do if he cheated on me, what would i do if he went to homecoming with someone, he wants to move out when we have lived together for like 2 years, and he says we would still be together but basically if he moves out i move on. I think?! I just dont know what to do. The first couple days i cried thinking maybe that would change his mind now all i do is worry and try not to let him see me upset. This girl by the way is a sister of a friend and she is 16. I thought he was just friends until the two questions. Well he is on "a ride" right now and i am scared to death. Please give me some advice. we have worked to hard to give up now. One other thing is if i dont bring any of this up he acts like everything is fine. The second i do he gets pissed and says well why dont you give me some space. He said he doesnt want to break up but just wants some time alone. This would all be fine if he explained him self more. sOmeone please help/

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If you're having doubts and think he's cheating on you, you need to take a step back from this relationship.


You've expressed your concerns to him, and instead of him reassuring you that everything is okay, he's become defensive with you, and asks you to give him some space.


If he was trying to make this relationship work out, he would be doing everything he could to make you happy right now.


You don't need this guy. He's taking you for granted cause you've been around for so long. You need to tell him to move out. Or you need to move out. Whatever it is, you two need to separate right now.


Break up with him and don't worry about trying to fix your relationship right now. That's the last thing he wants to do right now, so why should you waste your time and energy?


Break up with him and find someone who cares.

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broken hearted

Well to add insult to injury i just read some stuff they have been writing back and forth. And i think my only option is to leave because he has lied to my face. Me and him are going for a ride soon to talk so maybe i can figure it out then. keep writing i need all the help i can get.

If you're having doubts and think he's cheating on you, you need to take a step back from this relationship. You've expressed your concerns to him, and instead of him reassuring you that everything is okay, he's become defensive with you, and asks you to give him some space. If he was trying to make this relationship work out, he would be doing everything he could to make you happy right now. You don't need this guy. He's taking you for granted cause you've been around for so long. You need to tell him to move out. Or you need to move out. Whatever it is, you two need to separate right now. Break up with him and don't worry about trying to fix your relationship right now. That's the last thing he wants to do right now, so why should you waste your time and energy? Break up with him and find someone who cares.


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This guy is a mug.


He keeps you hanging there longing for him while he goes gallavanting off with some chirpie (copyright Tony) and you are left alone.


He is not a boyfriend any more, he is a user. He is waiting for a guarantee from someone else and then he will run off. That's why he wants to move out, so he can mess around.


Hey, you sound like you are a wonderful person who is not deserved by such a butterfly.


Let him go.



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