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I met this very nice guy on a blind date. I thought we really hit it off. We had a very nice dinner and conversation, laughed and generally enjoyed each other's company. When I came home that evening, I already had an email from him saying what a lovely time he had. The next day he sent me another email saying that he'd love to get together again, perhaps to go to a museum and have dinner afterwards. But he never specified the day. I replied in an encouraging manner. The next day he sent a very casual email talking about his day, etc. No mention again of the next date.


What should I do? Should I be assertive and pin him down for a specific date, or let him take the lead? I don't want to be pushy or seem desperate, yet I don't want to lose him either. And why does he not call me? He's got my number!

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Mostly Nice Guy

Sounds like he is interested. I would say if it has only been a couple of days to give him some time (several days). He may not want to seem to pushy himself. Many men know that when they appear too interested, some woman retreat, and that has been my experience as well.

I met this very nice guy on a blind date. I thought we really hit it off. We had a very nice dinner and conversation, laughed and generally enjoyed each other's company. When I came home that evening, I already had an email from him saying what a lovely time he had. The next day he sent me another email saying that he'd love to get together again, perhaps to go to a museum and have dinner afterwards. But he never specified the day. I replied in an encouraging manner. The next day he sent a very casual email talking about his day, etc. No mention again of the next date.


What should I do? Should I be assertive and pin him down for a specific date, or let him take the lead? I don't want to be pushy or seem desperate, yet I don't want to lose him either. And why does he not call me? He's got my number!

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I'll say it here, I think he has a good attitude.


Firstly, he has been very gracious in thanking you for dinner, he has kept communication, and he has not put undue pressure on you, while casually suggesting a follow up date.


I can imagine this man has been there a few times, and gone through the mistake making process. He knows he should not call you every day because if conversation is exhausted too quickly it could affect the important early process of getting to know someone. He also knows that phone conversations have nothing on direct eye contact, in person communication. By email he is able to maintain contact without falling into the trap of limited conversation, and also getting hopes up too high too early.


I think you've found a good un' here ;)


Just take it slow, don't get too eager..it will drive him nuts just like he is driving you nuts, and that's the stuff of good romance.



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I agree with Oliver. Maybe you send him some email telling about your day occasionally, since he suggested to go to a museum once, you might drop a hint about some special exhibition you are interested in ... I am pretty sure he will pick that one up. Good luck.

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