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My fiance cheated on me last night , we got in a fight and broke up , and while we were apart he cheated I didnt know that he did and we got back together that same night ,then this morning he told me everything . Should we try and work things out or go our separte ways now? Thanks!

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Whether or not you two decide to work it out is up to you, but IMHO, I would not. I have tried to reconcile with an ex after infidelity occured and the trust had been broken and their was no way that it was coming back. It could be different for you two. You both must be able and willing to do what it takes to work things out. The problem with me was that I did want things to work but my ex half-assed her end.


IMO, that is sort of a red flag that your BF cheated on you immediately after the two of you broke up.

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hmmm tough situation........ maybe he wanted to get it out of his system? although that wasnt right. at least he waited till yall broke up! its really a decision you have to make, i mean technically yall werent together when he did it...i guess its pretty much up to you!

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My fiance cheated on me last night , we got in a fight and broke up , and while we were apart he cheated I didnt know that he did and we got back together that same night ,then this morning he told me everything . Should we try and work things out or go our separte ways now? Thanks!


If you two were broken up, technically it wasn't cheating. At the same time, if he's gonna go for a random hookup like that immediately after breaking up with the girl he was supposed to get married to, he probably doesn't value her too much. Solution: break up, find someone new.



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I agree with MadDog, he sure didn't wait long to hook up with someone else after you (and emotional blindness only goes sofar)


Also if you were fighting enough to break up in the first place then thats a good sign that you shouldn't be getting married

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When you love someone, and are looking into getting married, you want and need stability. If he is going to break up with you over something as small as a fight, you need to re evaluate your relationship. If he was able to go out and share his body with someone else, and come back to you the next morning to tell you that he wants to be with you, who is to say this is not the first time that he has cheated. you need to think of yourself..not only after your emotional health, but physical as well..need i say std? You dont betray someone because of a fight.

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Sal Paradise

Leave him. If he cared about you at all he would of been too upset to sleep with someone else.

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Sal Paradise

I wouldn't be suprised if he pick the fight on purpose so you two would break up long enough for him to screw someone else. He could of had this all planned out.

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