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Final Heaven

Okay so I know this girl in college... We met in a very weird way I might say, because we had a merge of classes for 1 day. We talk a little and after that whenever we bump into each other we would just stand and chat for a little before going on our own ways. Eventually we got closer as each day passes, and somehow I felt something for her... it's like I only knew her for like 5 days and it seem I already know her for like 5 years. Anyway things progressed and after like a week or so I decided to ask her to become my steady and let things develop. When I asked her she rejected and said that we only knew each other for such a short time and that we could still become friends. I was kinda dissapointed when she replied that so I decided to take some time off from her. Like 1 day after that she messaged me on MSN saying that the felt sad and moody because she got into a arguement with her ex and the reason she didnt accept anyone being her steady because she still love her ex who has been with her for 6 years but they are still on talking terms. I know myself that I just can't be friends with her but at the same time I don't wanna be they guy who cut friendship ties just because she rejected me.... What should I do... any opinions?

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too easy! you simply forget her, disappearing act. you only met this girl for 5 days and already she's a big drama queen. On top of that, she has an X whom she loves a lot and still does with a big 6 years of commitment. you got two options:


you forget her - then you go find yourself another girl, one that doesn't have a trailing eX. there's lots of girls and the one you found just doesn't want to let go of her ex.


you go after her - you will be her bf, but she may sneak off and cheat with her X as she still loves him. her heart still belongs with him while u have the physical body. If you are looking for quick booty, MAYBE this may work for you.


highly suggest the first option

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Final Heaven

I can take option 1 but the main problem is I would still be seeing her in college for the next 1 1/2 years. So I should just ignore her when I see her in college? And as you know rumors in college spread faster then ants and sugar... is there anyway to avoid being known as the guy who break of friendship ties just because I got rejected ??

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Chill. You can still say Hi, here and there. Just because you have decided to forget about her, doesnt mean you have to break friendship ties, the next day. Do it smoothly..... Perhaps, have a little chat with her 2 a week. At least cut it down to half, than what you used to chat with her before she rejected you. The key is dont make it obvious that you feel bad about being rejected.

We all feel bad, but as long as we dont show that we are down to our knees. I mean, HECK we all have been rejected once, if not their turn is soon to come. We all go through it!

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Final Heaven

Well anyways only like yesterday she tells me again that this time she is over with her ex for good. As much as I want to believe it to be true I know it isn't, but now we are chatting just as much as we used to before. It's like a on and off thingy and I don't know if I should keep going or not. Bah I think I should just forget about this...

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Okay so I know this girl in college... We met in a very weird way I might say, because we had a merge of classes for 1 day. We talk a little and after that whenever we bump into each other we would just stand and chat for a little before going on our own ways. Eventually we got closer as each day passes, and somehow I felt something for her... it's like I only knew her for like 5 days and it seem I already know her for like 5 years. Anyway things progressed and after like a week or so I decided to ask her to become my steady and let things develop. When I asked her she rejected and said that we only knew each other for such a short time and that we could still become friends. I was kinda dissapointed when she replied that so I decided to take some time off from her. Like 1 day after that she messaged me on MSN saying that the felt sad and moody because she got into a arguement with her ex and the reason she didnt accept anyone being her steady because she still love her ex who has been with her for 6 years but they are still on talking terms. I know myself that I just can't be friends with her but at the same time I don't wanna be they guy who cut friendship ties just because she rejected me.... What should I do... any opinions?






*- well what i think that you should do is be her friend, she needs someone that can be there for her at this time in her life.. and who knows she may think about that and realize that she is falling for you because you were always the guy there for her!

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Final Heaven

Yeah ima trying real hard to just hold my feelings at bay but sometimes I just wanna break off every ties with her. Like for instance around 2 days ago she keeps talking about this other guy whom she met and about how cute and goodlooking he is, and how they even went out to catch a movie together. Then 2 days later she sends me her photo of herself which she recently took and ask me if she looks pretty. At the end of the conversation she asked me why I liked her, and she ended saying that we could still be friends. So I replied saying that I do not want to force anyone into any relationship because I know things just don't work that way, and even if I didn't want to be friends I just can't get myself to do so. And she said by saying that ima making things very hard for her... ima so lost now I just dunnno wat to do...

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Final Heaven

It's been almost a month now since the ordeal between me and her. The past few weeks everything was moving on fine, we continued being friends although sometimes it would be like we are seeing each other instead of just being friends. There was this once where she turned down her college friends just to go out to lunch with me. At first I had no idea where we are heading, since she rejected me a month ago. Then I decided to just treat her in the best way I can , so I just started treating her like how I treated my previous ex. Everytime when we went out together I would pay for her, though she offered to pay for me sometimes I just decline. Things went on fine for the past 2 weeks until last week where she was attending a college trip with her college mates and then things started to change. For example she would make fun of me and someother girl from my class, and just last night when I called her she was saying things like "I am not the person you thought I am and when you do find out you would surely regret". I know it was suppose to mean something but I have no idea what it is. Is it her way of telling that I am wasting my time, or is it something else? Anyway this is just an update on how things are moving.Feel free to give your ideas or advice..

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