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post-breakup blues


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I've just broken up with a girl who I was dating for quite some time. We spent loads of time together, and became really close, but things went wrong, and we ended up breaking up. I know that this was the right thing to do, yet because we were so close, I keep finding myself almost wanting to get back with her. I know that this would be disasterous, but I really miss her company. I know this probably sounds a bit strange, but has anyone found themselves in the same situation? Any advice?

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Doesn't sound strange at all. When we spend a lot of time with someone and have lots of fun and the relationship ends abruptly, there is a period of sadness, loss and a sense of a void. It all gets better with time.


Celebrate the great times you spent together and don't let the parting diminish those wonderful times. Do you weep and get depressed after you leave the table following a delicious gourmet meal???


Give yourself time and try to stay busy. Find new friends. This whole business of love has all to do with timing. One day you will meet a lady with whom you have a great time, enjoy her company and both of you will be ready for something permanent. Then all will end well.


In the meantime, take some time to heal and get over your blues. Then get out there and have gun, be happy and don't rush into anything right off.


Remember, it is the nature of everything on earth to have a beginning and an end. The end is there to ensure that you pay as much attention as possible to enjoying the distance between the two.

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yes... my ex and i dated for a year and just 7 months ago we broke up. at first i felt like u did. i would email him, call him, telling him that i was sorry that i loved him that i want5ed him back. then as the time passes i just realized that i really did love him but we could not be together, it was impossible b/c of our diferrent poitns of views.. so stop calling and writing, know i found a nother guy, read my message, so i know now that i had gotten over him but i did not wanna realize it, i was used to being him and i, i had forgoton to be me, myself, and not we a couple. give it time...

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