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Tired of being lied to...

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Okay this is my first time using this forum. I have been in my relationship for six years coming up this april. i have been in the same relationship since i was 15. Anyway, my boyfriend has been talking to other girls behind my back for quite sometime..the first time i found it on accident. i was on his sn and some girl imed me thinking i was him...i guess they talked on the phone or whatever, and she was very sexual in nature when she "thought" i was him. this was a few yrs ago..i was only 17 and i had given up at lot..friends, and most of all lost the trust of my parents..needless to say i became very depressed and was finally dragged to the doctor. anyway, to skip ahead, i have always had a trust issue with him. at times when i feel distant from him i start looking for stuff. Recently i checked his voicemail, and found something from another girl in someother state...keep in mind i pay this cell bill...about 1000 miles away. she is only a teenager. my bf is 20. she was saying how she loves him so much, blah blah blah....i freaked out. not only that, she made a reference to something about him buying her a gift when she was mad at him. he never buys me anything-ever. I went over to his house right away in a rage...we fought..hard. it has been about 3 wks since this happened, and i feel so betrayed. i wonder what they have been talking about...when he doesnt open up to me. he has yet to explain anything to me, only to say that she is just a friend and that i am a idiot...that i dont know the whole story...and it just happens to be a long story that he isnt willing to divuldge. I dont feel cared for, and my heart seems to litterally ache everday. i have done everything for him. i pay for everything ie..cellphone bills, computers...everything. i feel as if i can never do anything right for him, and i try so so hard..i have lost my self esteem and self worth. i feel alone because i gave everything up for him. Everytime his phone is on vibrate, or is so secretive about everything, i feel sick to my stomach. everything that he has, i have given to him...and he shuts me out. i can respect privacy...but why does everything have to be secret? from email passwords, to his log in name on MY laptop that i bought for US...i dont know...

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Why are you with him!?!?!?!


I think the main reason you have trust issues with him is because he's not trustworthy. If there was nothing going on he shouldn't have a problem explaining what happened. Him calling you an idiot just sounds like him trying to make you doubt yourself.


You know that this isn't right. He's talking to other girls behind your back and he's not treating you well. You deserve better. You're obviously self reliant since you're able to take care of him and yourself. Get rid of him. I'm sure you can do fine without him.

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Time to put that horse out to pasture and move on with your life. He isn't worth your time and or effort

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Everything's a secret because if you found out about all the chicks he talks to online and on the phone, you'd go insane. Why don't you dump him and find someone who will be more devoted than this guy has been? I doubt he's the only guy in your area.

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I agree -- move on. If you stay with this guy, I assure you you will go insane. You seem to be a very loyal, generous, and caring woman which is hard to come by and often sought after. Don't worry about finding someone new, I PROMISE you will. :D

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