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Ok so you may or may not know my situation. My guy and I moved too fast he wanted to back off and slow down. We were great for 4 months...Then we went a whole month (randomly) when he had no time for me. Couldnt asnwer my msgs but had time for his other friends, esp a female friend who hates me and wanted to date him. I got ppl telling me that he was dating her the month he had no time for me.. never got him to confirm or deny that so I said goodbye.


THEN he needed a job, i could help so I called in a favor from a family friend. He IMed me to thank me.. when I knew he had me on block before. We chatted and he talked most... said he may come over that night but of course he didnt.


THEN last night he sent me an AIM to my cell phone. He asked if it was me and said he was afraid he had forgotten my number. He asked what I was doing bc he wanted to come over to see me , since he didnt make it the other night. Ok.. but then he said something wierd about maybe not being allowed to leave his house and how that place is eating him alive.


Then he said everyone said he had to stay. He was transporting drunk people and he was really unhappy. He said he was honestly very sorry that he couldn't come by to see me. Because he really wanted to. And that he was gonna stay by the phone all day today to see if he got the job.


So tonight I get an email that says " I stayed by the phone today and nothing. I am gonna stay by the phone tomorrow too. I am worried. I will let you know what happens tomorrow." Ok.. so are we talking again?


And why is he suddenly so chatty? I don't understand too much here. He wants to come by on monday and see my house. ( I am moving) and he wants to know what I am doing next week , maybe we can hang out and watch a movie....


Could it be that my choosing to be nice, even when i had no reason to be since he was blowing me off, made him miss me kinda? He has NEVER gone out of his way to txt me on my cell while he was on the comp. NEVER. Even the 4 months he was here 3 or 4 times a week.


If he seemed uninterested before , is this a good sign? I am not acting too excited either way... not to him... i just want to know what he may be thinking... any ideas?????

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You are analysing everything and from what you have written about him is is confused and you shouldnt be worrying about any of his behaviour, move on and find someone less complicated and giving who makes you laugh and not confused !

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