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My girlfriend recently went on a girl's night out, I had no problem with it, I feel like I can trust here. However I found some pictures a friend of hers posted on the net in which she is hugging the same guy in two different pictures. One is a group shot, the other is just her and him. It was nothing but hugging I know, and I don't know else about the situation. Nothing this week has been different when I was with her, I just can't help to feel a bit nervous I guess. How often do girls on this forum that have boyfriends do similar things when they go out with friends?

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I seriously wouldnt worry. I love my boyfriend so very much, and i would never even consider cheating on him...but when i go out, i will give my guy friends hugs...we take pics together...its just being friends. If it seriously bothers you that much, maybe you should say something to her in a non accusing way.

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The thing about a girlfriend's friends is that they're like evil snake witches. Don't read too much, but you should consider that friend an enemy and use your mental state to the fullest when dealing with the likes of her.


Just remember that. But it doesn't mean women are stronger than us, we are superior with our strength 3-10 times stronger than they will ever be!

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But it doesn't mean women are stronger than us, we are superior with our strength 3-10 times stronger than they will ever be!


That's the oddest statement I've ever read on here. What does it mean? You've got me completely perplexed.



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My girlfriend recently went on a girl's night out, I had no problem with it, I feel like I can trust here. However I found some pictures a friend of hers posted on the net in which she is hugging the same guy in two different pictures. One is a group shot, the other is just her and him. It was nothing but hugging I know, and I don't know else about the situation. Nothing this week has been different when I was with her, I just can't help to feel a bit nervous I guess. How often do girls on this forum that have boyfriends do similar things when they go out with friends?


What kind of hugging are you talking about? If you mean her arm was on his shoulder and vica versa, it's not a big deal. If you mean the type of hugging where they're facing each other, that's a problem.



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...we are superior...

I think that is called male chauvinism. Did I misunderstand you?

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I think that is called male chauvinism. Did I misunderstand you?


I have a sneaking suspicion he's going to respond with, "All your base are belong to us."



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The hugging that you have described is ambiguous. It is easily consistent with her being faithful to you. The one question I would have is why there were "boys" present on a "girls night out". Was he part of the group, an acquaintance, or what?


Rather than worry about something that really gives you NO information - the hugging - why not just use it as a chance to ask, "How do you feel about our relationship?" That can be your springboard to a better understanding of where you two are and whether you should worry.

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The thing about a girlfriend's friends is that they're like evil snake witches. Don't read too much, but you should consider that friend an enemy and use your mental state to the fullest when dealing with the likes of her.


Just remember that. But it doesn't mean women are stronger than us, we are superior with our strength 3-10 times stronger than they will ever be!


Ah. A troll. Explains everything.

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Don't ask her how she feels about the relationship -- ask her if she thinks hugging other guys generally is okay.


If they are existing friends, then not that big a deal.


if they are guys she met on her "girls night out" I say its off base -- if it was a girls night, why are there dudes there?


She'll say what she believes, and you can just tell her what it is in your plan -- if its not what she said, then you have your answer.


Or you can get some girls to sit on your lap the next time you go out and have some pictures taken that you conveniently leave lying around for her to find...

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