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I have been in a crush for a gal for five years. We were almini and I had vowed an unanswered love for her several times. She had rejected nearly all gifts I gave her when we were still in the university. In the end of the second year, I did a thing to her that I regret my life. She declared that we were not even friends anymore. During that summer, I went to Florida and I had written a letter for her. When I was back in town, she told me that "she wanna be focus in her study and other stuff should be deferred". I was so foolish to date other gals in our class, even before her. After graduation, we seldom meet. Until recently, I gathered all my courage and dated her several times. She accepted the gifts I gave her, even my personal item of luck. I am not sure if she's granting a probation. Last week, she told me a secret and said that she had only told that to me and I must keep it myself. I was in shock on that secret but I still support her decision.Yesterday, with nearly all my courage gone, I dropped a voice mail to her, letting her know that I love her, evenafter five years. I asked her to phone me if she want have dialogue with me. Wait, wait, and wait until now, no response. my brother said I should phone her and pretend to be calm. However, ask I said, nearly al my courage had left me. Endless waiting, maybe...Do you think that I would have got a chance??

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It doesn't sound like she wants a whole lot to do with you at this time.


You are best off my not calling her or contacting her again. You left her a message to call you. If she doesn't return your call, she is not only very rude but that sends a powerful message to you that she doesn't want to speak to you. Respect that.


Perhaps in the future she will see you on campus or give additional thought to things and call you. But if you bother her a lot now, she will only grow to resent you. If you stop calling her, she will die of curiosity.


Meanwhile, go find some other nice girls on campus to date. I promise you, there are plenty of them. And don't worry about any particular one of them. If they don't seem interested, keep moving. Life is way too short to spend time on women who aren't interested.

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