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My roommate doesn't want me to have alcohol in the room? what should I do?

Alcohol or Not?

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Alcohol or Not?

My roommate does not want me to have alcohol in our dorm room? He says this is because of his feelings about it. I have not had a chance to go in depth talking aobut it. But, I like to have a drink or two. I could understand that maybe he doesn't want me to drink around him or something becuase maybe in his cloase family someone died due to alcohol or something, but he just said that it's because of his feelings on alcohol and I didn't have time to ask anything else. Any opinions/ideas? We get along great, this is our first "issue". I think it's unreasonable that he should be able to tell me not to drink. What do you think? I mean, I will try not to drink around him or whatever but he hasn't even given me a solid reason as to why I "can't have it". And he knew(though we never discussed it) that when we choose housing that I wanted to be on a non-substance free floor..don't you think he should have said something then? Thanks for your advice.


~2 Drink or not 2 have the choice~

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Your roommate should have told you in advance that he didn't want a roommate who drank. By not so speaking up when he should have, he should tolerate some drinking on your part. Out of courtesy, I would not drink too much inside the quarters the two of you share when he is around and I would certainly plan to move out as soon as possible if drinking is an important part of your life.


I am very much against smoking and I would never have a roommate who smoked. If I was living with someone and they began to smoke in our living quarters, I myself would move out that day with no arguments, discussions or questions asked. My life is too valuable to me to devote time to talking about it. Drinking, of course, does not emit dangerous gases into the air as smoking does.


While there is absolutely no harm to either of you in you drinking in your quarters, if he is very much against it...stop temporarily until you are able to move out, unless he is willing to move.


There is no good reason in talking about matters which cannot not be resolved or compromised. Obviously, you are not willing to go outside to drink and he doesn't want you doing it inside. There is no way to win in this situation.

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Are you 21? If you aren't, could the two of you get in trouble for having liquor in the room? (I'm assuming so.) Maybe that's what he's worried about. I had the same problem my freshman year, and ended up meeting some girls on the floor who didn't care, so I kept my beer in their fridge. You shouldn't have to alter your lifestyle for him, but if you are under 21, remember that it is illegal, and he may be worried about that. If you aren't, I say screw him. It's half your room, right? As long as you aren't getting sh**faced in the room and behaving like a moron, you're entitled to live your life how you want.

My roommate does not want me to have alcohol in our dorm room? He says this is because of his feelings about it. I have not had a chance to go in depth talking aobut it. But, I like to have a drink or two. I could understand that maybe he doesn't want me to drink around him or something becuase maybe in his cloase family someone died due to alcohol or something, but he just said that it's because of his feelings on alcohol and I didn't have time to ask anything else. Any opinions/ideas? We get along great, this is our first "issue". I think it's unreasonable that he should be able to tell me not to drink. What do you think? I mean, I will try not to drink around him or whatever but he hasn't even given me a solid reason as to why I "can't have it". And he knew(though we never discussed it) that when we choose housing that I wanted to be on a non-substance free floor..don't you think he should have said something then? Thanks for your advice. ~2 Drink or not 2 have the choice~
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Alcohol or Not?
My roommate does not want me to have alcohol in our dorm room? He says this is because of his feelings about it. I have not had a chance to go in depth talking aobut it. But, I like to have a drink or two. I could understand that maybe he doesn't want me to drink around him or something becuase maybe in his cloase family someone died due to alcohol or something, but he just said that it's because of his feelings on alcohol and I didn't have time to ask anything else. Any opinions/ideas? We get along great, this is our first "issue". I think it's unreasonable that he should be able to tell me not to drink. What do you think? I mean, I will try not to drink around him or whatever but he hasn't even given me a solid reason as to why I "can't have it". And he knew(though we never discussed it) that when we choose housing that I wanted to be on a non-substance free floor..don't you think he should have said something then? Thanks for your advice. ~2 Drink or not 2 have the choice~
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Alcohol or Not?

Sorry, I accidently posted this message again up above this one. Thanks for the advice. I know that since I am living on campus there is basically no way I can move out, nor do I want to move out. So, I think I am going to talk with him and explain that I respect his opinion on alcohol, but mine is a little different and that I should be able to consume alcohol if I want to and that I will not cause him problems and that the HUGE majority of the time I will drink it in someone else's room and that my drinking in our room(esp. when he is around) will be limited. Thanks again for the advice. I think I am going to speak with him about this sometime this week. Oh, also I only drink max about twice a week (fri. and maybe sat. night). I will keep checking for anymore ideas on this. Thanks


~2 Drink or not 2 have the choice~

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