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feelings for a female friend

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i have always been a mans man so this is the first time i have made a female friend. when i'm away from her i feel miserable i think about her all the time - i love spending time with this girl, i have developed strong feelings for her but at the same time i check out other women even when i'm with her. i lust after others but strangely not after her, even though i find her sexy- i don't know what this means is it b'coz i respect her. i'm so confused?

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but does it mean that i am not into this girl on a romantic level? is it just friendship? or am i falling for her?


it's normal to lust/look at women we see in the street...even for those iwth gf's.


Well no one here knows if you're into her on a romantic level, only you can know urself. my opinion is you're taking her for granted and have developed an emotional attachment. in other words, an imitation gf w/o the intimacy/romance.


if you really do have feelings then make a move

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I think you like her more than you'd like to admit and it's confusing you abit. Why not talk to her and see how she feels about you? It could be the best thing ever for you!

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