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i've been with this guy for about 2 years. . im 16 yrs old and he's 18. i broke up with him before but we got back together because he said i make him so happy. i think that he is the type that needs someone to depend on and please him. it's almost like an addiction. we always say we love each other but lately my feelings are coming back about breaking it off again. but i am too hopelessly attached to him, i have noone else. i feel like i am killing him every day because of my true feelings, mostly my dishonesty. we've shared so much together, it would be very hard to cope with the loss. this sounds so typical, but i really feel trapped. the whole realationship is based on lust, infatuation and lies, lies lies. SOMEONE HELP ME!

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Sure it'll hurt for a while but being in a relationship where you feel trapped is insane and you have to terminate it.


Don't let him make you feel guilty. Just end it now and keep contact to a very minimum for a while. You are way, way too young to deny yourself meeting lots of different guys as you evolve and mature as a woman. It could be ten years or more before you're actually ready to settle down. You were only a child when you met this guy.


End it as soon as possible and don't look back.

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