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Should have known better

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Hey everyone, I'm 22 but a freshman in college. My problem is that I got involved with a real freshman. Story in short is that the girl was way digging me. She broke up with her boyfriend of four years (after cheating on him with me) and constantly wanted to be with me. I told her she was too young and I didn't really want to date her. Well that backfired b/c I started to kind of like her and when I finally told her she said she didn't want to have a boyfriend. I could respect her not wanting a boyfriend especially after a long relationship but about a week later I find out she's seeing another guy and I kind of got mad about it.


She refused to admit she is seeing him and they are just friends. Our conversations starting getting wierd and she wasn't so willing to hang out anymore so I started avoiding her on campus in order to get over her but it just isn't working. I think about her constantly, I don't call her or anything cause I know that won't help anything. I've been trying to keep busy and that helps but I don't even know why I'm caught up on her. Damn she's 19! Immature and she's even a cheater so why would I want a girl like that? I can't help it though and I'm looking for some words of wisdom. Any way to throw the emotions out the window? I'm not looking for why this happened, I'm just looking for a way to forget about it cause I know it's not a big deal, it just feels like one.

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