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Why won't men want to hug and kiss?


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I am peeved. I display all sorts of physical affection toward my husband, such as kissing him lightly when he says something funny, hugging him when he's close by, or simply touching him to show him that he is on my mind. He likes it when I do it, I'm sure. :bunny: Yet, he won't initiate these little signs of affection for me! What's the deal here, guys? (Girls can also chime in.)


BTW, I asked him the same question and he said that it's not a guy thing to do. WTF???

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He's wrong. It's not a "him" thing to do. I love to hug and kiss my wife, give her a playful pat on the butt when she passes by, hold her hand when we're walking, put my arm around her shoulders and bring her in close, and more.


This is about him, not men in general.

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I dunno... as a guy, it seems a little weird, if not foolish to me, for a man to go "hugging" and "kissing" in response to somtihng your talking about. It wouldn't feel right to me, doing that.

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I guess it's just not part of HIS personality.

Besides hugging and kissing, how does he feel comfortable in showing affection?

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...it's not a guy thing to do. ...


Maybe it's not "his" guy-thing. Some guys are affectionate and some aren't. It's not a general "guy thing," it's a personality thing. Women are the same way.


I, personally, wouldn't think anything about it....as long as it's all good in private, who cares!

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In some families, men grow up thinking that being affectionate is 'feminine' and therefore inappropriate for men. Seems you're stuck with one of those.

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