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Re: Can friends ever be lovers?? I doubt it!


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If you really love her, damn, tell her! Even if she does move back to the States, if you two love each other - and you are friends besides - you will find a way. If she doesnt it will be important for you to know too, so you can close this chapter in your life and really move on, after some time of healing.


If she does, the being apart, will be a kind of test of your mutual feelings, if its really love - it will last and if its mostly sexual attraction - it will pass away. There is always the chance of her moving back to Europe or of you to move back to the States, if you decide on a future together.


I wish you luck.

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I am only 23 but have been through this and the only thing I can say is tell her flat out. To start the conversation tell her that she can speak but let you say everything first and than she can asking her please don't take this wrong nor get up set and than go for it. It may actually amaze you and I know that for a fact because I liked a girl BIG time not at the time sexually but I wanted her to be mine my girlfriend so I was making every atempt (which it seems the same for you too.) to see her and she was doing the same and so I just flat told her I liked her and wanted to date her and was wondering if she would at that time she said no so I went on my way that night still talking to her and joking with everyone not thinking how hurt I was feeling put on a great face and that night when I took her home she said good night and hugged me the next morning though we had to work in a volunteer thing together and well it went well and when done I drove to the out skirts of town and talked to her telling her again that I liked her and than after about an hour and half I took her home and left it alone that evening she calls me and asks me if I would like ot go out for the evening so I did and we went to see a movie and as we walked into the theatre she kisses me on the lips amazed I was about to ask what she was doing when she kissed me again and walked into the theatre and watched the movie now I am confused what that ment at the end of the movie we walked out of the theatre and she would not hold my hand so on the drive home she asks me to drive futher and she wants to talk to mw and so we did at that point she asked me to date her and that is the end I have been with her still for 5 months and it is still like the first day.

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