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i saw this site i thoght thsi site will help me

well story goes i m a doc was studyin away from my home , bout five years now , and my relationship has been of 4years now. guy and have been steady we fought a lot but had fun too , last year i flunkeda semester ,i decided nt to return i stayed at my parents placeas it was too much disgraceful for me as i have been an all rounder my entire life


that time the guy appaeared to be very suportive that time i thoughtit was love now i think it was only sympathy , anyways afyter that life was rockin 9months , i can sya i just enjoyed . for further studies i had to come back to my native place as i have to study to get a nice pg seat..

one day before my frens bitched bout him thay told he was unfaithful , i was shattered they did not tell me the name but i some how could make out as that bitch was xtra sweet to me ,,,,, s*** i feel sick

when i asked him he said yes , he often joked but i never believed him

,he told me if i wanna break off i can I LOVE HIM TOO MUCH TO LEAVE HIM

but heck off it i could not decide do i punish myself that happend bout 8 months ago



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