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There is a girl I like,


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This girl I like works at a supermakret as a cashier. Because I do all the shopping (to see her of course), I see her 2 a 4 times a week


I really want to date her but there is a problem.


I don't know if it's mutal. Are there "signs' which indicates a girl likes you?


She doesn't really know me, heck i think she even doesn't know my name. I know her full name, address, etc . because i know a friend of hers


Is it possible to say her "hi, do you want to go to the movie with me?"?


I could really use some suggestions, comments, advice or experience on:


1. signs which indicated she likes you to


2. what to say to date her

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Okay, here's my opinion. If I worked at a supermarket, and one day some random guy came up to me and asked me if I wanted to go to a movie, I would say no. This is largely due in part to the fact that first and foremost, I'm looking out for my safety. Random guys that make no attempt to talk to me and get to know me better before asking me out are like a big red flag that I want no part of.


Of course, this may just be me ... but I'm sure there are other women that feel the same. Before you even think about asking her out, you need to strike up a conversation with her. Be friendly. Flirt. If she does nothing in return, then there's no harm done. At least you didn't ask her to the movies out of the blue only to be shot down cold.


If you do all of this BEFORE attempting to ask her out ... and we're talking about a period of days and weeks here where you just talk and flirt with her ... when you finally get around to asking her out, there will be a much better chance that she will have warmed up to you. That way, you're no longer a big red flag anymore. You're a possibility.

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Why don't you get this friend of yours to plan some outing where your cashier girl will be there, and you can go too? (i.e. nothing big, just like meet up at a bar on Sunday afternoon to watch football, meet up some Saturday night, etc.) That way, you can talk to her outside of work. I agree with what Daisy said -- it would creep me out to have some random guy just ask me out at work. If you can get to know her outside of work, you'll be better off. If my first suggestion doesn't work, you might try to spark up a conversation about your mutual friend while you're in the checkout. Just don't immediately ask her out. Let her get used to you a little. And it's definitely on your side that you know someone she knows--she can ask that person if you are on the level.

This girl I like works at a supermakret as a cashier. Because I do all the shopping (to see her of course), I see her 2 a 4 times a week I really want to date her but there is a problem. I don't know if it's mutal. Are there "signs' which indicates a girl likes you? She doesn't really know me, heck i think she even doesn't know my name. I know her full name, address, etc . because i know a friend of hers Is it possible to say her "hi, do you want to go to the movie with me?"? I could really use some suggestions, comments, advice or experience on: 1. signs which indicated she likes you to


2. what to say to date her

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hi sabin,


firstly, i would strongly advise against asking her on a date when you see her at the cash register. you haven't developed even a "casual acquaintance" type relationship yet. as a girl, this kind of situation is more than likely to yield a big fat "no" or some kind of an excuse.


twice this year i have had men approach me from out of the blue, once while crossing the street and once while on my lunch break, and ask me if i would like to go on a date. while i was flattered and appreciative (it takes a lot of courage to approach a total stranger like that), it made me feel ill at ease. why? because i didn't know either of these people from a bar of soap and i'm very conscious of my own safety. i generally prefer to develop some sort of rapport with a guy before he even considers asking me out further.


next time you see her at the supermarket, put your groceries on the counter and say, "hi, how are you?". of course she'll respond and you could even say something like "my name's "blah blah" by the way. i see you here quite a bit, but i didn't catch your name" (well, let's assume she's not wearing a name tag). just make general chit-chat with her. turn it into a situation that becomes more comfortable each time you see her.


if this supermarket has more than one check-out chick, then make sure that every now and again you go to a different register. you don't want to make it too obvious, be too keen or make her feel weird that you don't go to other registers.


start general conversation with her like you would with the old lady up at the local milk bar or bread shop. people who work with the public love it when they get to know their customers. when you have developed a stronger rapport, see if you still want to make a move on her.


good luck :)

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