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caught before he cheated

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I have been married for alomst 6 yrs, and found out last week that my husband was carrying a condom in his wallet. when I asked him about it he denied anything of course, and when pressured over the next day or two he told me that he had been flirting pretty heavy with a chick at work and had thought about it. The problem is, he can't quit his job, and I just don't understand why he would want to sleep with this woman when everytime I have mentioned that I thought she was a slut he would agree and say she had been with just about everyone in the place.


He says he doesn't know what he was thinking, and that he wants to stay and go to counseling, but how am I ever going to trust him again? He knew I hated this girl, and that I always told him I did not trust her, and he would tell me to relax and trust him. He says that nothing has happened yet, and that he does not have feelings for her, but he really does not know why he wanted to do wht he almost did. I sm going out of my mind with hate, pain, and low self esteem, and It does not help that he works two jobs and I am home with the kids wondering if he is talking to her or what. He told me that he is not talking to her anymore, and I wanted to confront her, but he works for a big corporation and did not want any problems. How do I cope?

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