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telling his Ex-girlfriend

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i have major issue with my boyfriend, he had told me that he had cheated on his girlfriend a whole lot when she was going through their abortion, and that's really messed up, they're still good friends and she even tries to have sex with him though he rejected her and she wants to hang out with him alot, is it right or wrong for me to let her know that he has cheated on her while they were together when she was going through their abortion? i want to let her know mainly so he wouldn't cheat on me, is that a selfish act?

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I say dump him and get yourself out of that drama, no good will come from this relationship

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hi, junk food jenny.
:lmao: :lmao:


How did you know?? I mean, it wasnt OBVIOUS or anything!!


I think you are most likely young....I dont know why you would come up with the idea of telling her to make her stop hitting on your boyfriend. In my opinion, it will probably make her want to screw him even more.....but if you want to be unessesarily ridiculous, go ahead and do it.


I dont think you are doing it for the right reasons though, and even if you were, it doesnt matter now that they have broken up. Besides, for all you know, he has been cheating on you with her...


Why dont you go find yourself a nice young man who can keep it in his pants?

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If he cheated with you, he'll cheat on you. He's probably still having sex with her. Wake up.

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