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snitching on boyfriend

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junk food jenny

my boyfriend told me that he had cheated on his ex girlfriend many times when they were together, i feel like he trusted me not to judge him when he told me this, they're good friends now, and i've been really jealous lately since they talk on the phone a lot and she even asked him to sleep with her, should i tell her about his cheating so that she would leave him alone? afterall, i think every person deserves to know the truth.

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she won't have any reason to believe you. and even if she did...you know he was a cheater, and you're still with him...so why do you think it will bother her enough to make her go away?


how about just getting with a non-cheating guy who doesn't feel the need to keep his lusting exes around? he either likes the ego boost, or he's going to cheat on you with her.


i mean...hello...

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